Furze Platt Infant School

Newsletter - 8th March 2024

Visits, Visitors and VIPs*

(*very important pets!)

With trips to London for our Year 2 children; Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole Workshops for our children in Year 1 and the mobile farm visiting our Early Years children, we have been busy, busy, busy learning! Read on for lots more about all of these events! We have also welcomed some new (little and very furry) arrivals to FPIS - Pip and Pumpkin the guinea pigs. You can find out more about the latest additions to the FPIS family below...

Our World Book Day celebrations in school today have been filled with reading, sharing stories and having fun. At FPIS, there is a commitment and focus upon the importance of reading all year round, but it is always great to have a special day in school dedicated to sharing stories and reading. We want all of our children to be as passionate and enthusiastic about books as we are! We were particularly pleased to have been able to use this opportunity to link up with some of our FPJS children as well, making the day a real FPPF event indeed! 

As we seem to be rapidly heading towards the end of term already, information about booking a meeting with your child's class teacher for our Spring Term Parents' Meetings has been sent out this week. Please make an appointment to meet with your child's Class Teacher when the booking system goes live next week. We look forward to seeing you!

Have a wonderful weekend.

With very best wishes

Jane Indge

Head of School

Quick Links

Diary dates - coming up soon!

Here is a look at what's going to be happening in school during the next few weeks...

Monday 11th March - Parents' Evening booking system opens @ 8:00 am

Friday 15th March - Red Nose Day for Comic Relief

Friday 15th March - Parents' Evening bookings close @ 4:00 pm

Monday 18th March - Parents' Evening: 3:40 - 7:00 pm

Wednesday 20th March - Parents' Evening: 3:40 - 7:00 pm

Friday 22nd March - FPSA Happy School Bags Collection

Friday 22nd March - FPSA Quiz Night @ 8:00 pm

Tuesday 26th March - Jump Start Jonny visit! 

Wednesday 27th March - FPSA AGM: 7:45 - 9:00 pm

Thursday 28th March - Year 1 Marketplace event @ 9:15 am

Thursday 28th March - Term ends

Monday 15th April - Term begins

School Attendance

 SAM - our School Attendance Mascot, is our FPIS teddy bear who helps our children think about why it is so important to attend school every day. 

Our children are busy learning right from the start of the day, so being in class on time each morning matters just as much too. Registration begins at 8:50am and we expect all children to be in class by 9:00am. 

Each week, during our Celebration Assembly, the attendance figures are shared. The class with the best attendance overall gets to look after SAM until the following week. 

This week, SAM is off to Bumblebee Class as they had the best attendance overall with 97.6%. Well done!

Our latest school attendance figures for each class are shown in the table. Our school attendance target is: 97%

You can read our full Attendance Policy here.

Bumblebee 97.6%

Silver Birch 97.3%

Oak 96.3%

Holly 95.9%

Willow 95.7%

Dragonfly 94.5%

Caterpillar 94.0%

Hazel 93.8%

Beech 89.3%

FPIS SEND Signpost

Our Pond Area has a half-term makeover!

We are delighted with the work that was carried out in our pond area during the holidays. As well as clearing the pond and generally tidying the area, the lovely new wooden platforms that have been installed will help the children access the area more easily for pond dipping and provide a space for them to work whilst exploring and investigating.

With some frogs already spotted in and around the pond this week, It will be interesting to see which other creatures start to use this wonderful habitat over the next few months!

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to the fabulous FPSA for funding this project - and thanks also to our super site team, Mr Dearnaley and Mr Vogel, for adding some very important finishing touches!

Poppy Appeal 2023 update

The Royal British Legion has kindly informed us that our school raised £139.67 for the Poppy Appeal in November last year. They have asked us to pass on their thanks to our children and families for your help with the Appeal which will enable them to carry on vital welfare and benevolent work.

Overall, the District Total was an incredible £46,327.15 

Thank you to all who supported this very worthy cause.

World Book Day 2024 Celebrations 

We have had a busy and exciting time celebrating World Book Day in school today. Our children (and grown ups!) looked fantastic in their outfits and everyone enjoyed our WBD Costume Parade in the school hall this morning.

As you know, this year we have been focusing on the first WBD principle: Being read to regularly. With this in mind, our events in school today have provided some extra-special opportunities for our children to listen to others read to them.

This morning, our Year 2 children visited Year 3 at FPJS where they had a great time listening to stories and sharing their favourite books.

We were also very pleased to welcome some of our FPJS Year 6 children to Early Years this morning. The older children bought books to share with our little ones, which everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy!

In Year 1, each class had a special visit from Mr Wallace and Mrs Indge this afternoon, who each bought along one of their favourite books to share with the children.

Thank you to all those families who have taken up our WBD 2024 challenge to read aloud to your child every day throughout the week. We have enjoyed seeing your posts on Seesaw!

Our World Book Day Wish List is back!

Thank you to all those who have already purchased books from our Amazon wish list or made a donation via Scopay. If you haven't had a chance to do so yet, you can access our Amazon wish list via the link below:


Alternatively, If you would prefer to make a contribution of £1 or more rather than purchasing a book from our wish list, you can do this via Scopay (as per school meal orders.) Please login to your account, then select: Optional Trips and Events - World Book Day March 24 to make a donation. 

Thank you!

FPIS Launch Lunchtime Library sessions!

With support from some very helpful FPJS Year 6 librarians, this week saw the launch of Lunchtime Library sessions for our Year 2 children.

Proudly wearing their bright yellow 'Lunchtime Library' lanyards, our children have thoroughly enjoyed spending time in the library with their friends. The Year 6 children were on hand to support the children with their book choices and issue books for them to read and enjoy at home.

Our thanks to Miss Morales at FPJS for helping to organise the Lunchtime Library sessions :)

(More) Volunteer Librarians wanted!

Due to the continuing popularity of our after school library sessions, we would love to extend the number of days we are able to open.

However, in order to do this, we need to have some more parent volunteers to run these sessions. 

If you feel you could spare about 15-20 minutes after school on a Wednesday or Thursday, please contact the school office.

Parent volunteers will be required to have a DBS check prior to starting. Training will be provided.

Early Years

Our Bumblebee, Caterpillar and Dragonfly children have been continuing our project 'All About Animals'. Last week we explored the question, What is a pet? The children enjoyed talking about their own, friends and their families pets. The children used their investigation skills to find out more about their teachers pets and created beautiful pictures. They also learnt about how to care for pets and explored our vet role play resources. This has inspired some of our children to want to work with animals in the future. 

Last week we started a new programme called The Poetry Basket. During Rhyme Time the children are learning a new poem every week and the accompanying actions. So far we have learnt, 'Spring Wind' and 'Furry Furry Squirrel.' It was great to share Olive in Bumblebee class performing Spring Wind with her class through sharing on the Seesaw App. See if your child can recite and share one of our new poems for you at home!

This week we began learning the traditional tale, The Little Red Hen. The children have enjoyed learning different versions of the story and retelling with props and small world resources in preparation for next weeks oral story telling. The children began exploring different types of bread this week and even made their own! They were interested to learn about how bread is made, where the ingredients come from and how to use weight when cooking. In Maths they practised their weighing skills in lots of other ways too including weighing themselves on giant balance scales! In RE this week we have been learning about Spring and new life. Our Bumblebees, Caterpillars and Dragonflies discovered the first signs of spring when they went outside to explore our school grounds although we all agreed that it's still very cold!

Early Years 

Mastering Number Parent Workshops

We have launched our Early Years Mastering Number Parent Project. This exciting project shares some of the resources and learning that we will be doing in school and provides parents with some fun games that they can use to support their child at home. It was fantastic to welcome so many parents and give the the opportunity to learn how to play the games with the children, whilst having fun with maths! We have also provided every child with coloured counters to use at home during the project to support their learning. Please can we have the counters back after Easter to use with the next year group. Thanks you!

We look forward to seeing how your child progresses through your Seesaw logs.

Emma Sweeting Creative Workshop

Our Dragonfly children were excited to welcome Emma Sweeting, a local artist who delivered a creative animal workshop last week. They had the opportunity to mark masks, create animal pattern bracelets and draw animal characters with her support. The children and adults had a fabulous time and we hope to have another visit from Emma soon.

Early Years Farm Visit

Our Early Years children were excited to welcome the farm on Tuesday.  Farmer Danielle and Farmer Angie were back with us this year. They brought lots of animals including goats, lambs, ducks, hens, guinea pigs, mice and Delilah the pony. Doris the escaping goat was a firm favourite and she had the children giggling with her antics! The children all spent time learning more about the animals and were able to hold and stroke them. Some of our Bumblebees, Caterpillars and Dragonflies helped to brush Delilah and feed the baby lambs. We all had a fantastic time and Farmer Daniella said that the children behaved impeccably, listened to instructions and were a joy to share the animals with. We were incredibly proud of them all!

Early Years 

Pip and Pumpkin!

We are thrilled to introduce our new school pets, Pip and Pumpkin! Farmers Danielle and Angie brought them on Tuesday with the farm and helped them settle into their new home. They are female, long haired guinea pigs. We have let them settle in this week in their new home in Early Years that is so grand we have named it the palace! The children are super excited to help care for and spend time with Pip and Pumpkin!

Year 1

In science we have been investigating, drawing and labelling the parts of a plant.  We have also planted seeds in the hope that they might begin to germinate in readiness for Spring!  We have also been labelling the parts of the body such as head, fingers and feet.  We had fun lying on the floor in different positions and asking our partner to instruct us in a particular pose, which we then described.  We also explored how our bodies change after exercise.

In geography we have been focusing on the countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom.  We have used aerial maps to find and label each one which produced some interesting discussions.  We also have been applying directional language to navigate our way around school using a compass and learnt about the first four points on a compass: north, south, east and west.  

In keeping with the United Kingdom theme we have also been investigating traditional music from each country of the UK and have so far experienced jolly Morris music, a passionate Welsh Male Voice Choir and the powerful and uplifting Bagpipes.  We drew pictures and wrote adjectives about how each piece of music made us feel.

Following on from Beech's amazing dance at the recent Dance Festival Oak and Silver Birch are participating in a weekly dance workshop led by Mrs Douglass from the Schools Sport Partnership, based on Florence Nightingale.  They are having a wonderful time telling Florence's story through the medium of dance. 

In our Mastering Number sessions we have been investigating doubles and what to expect when adding an odd number and an even number, 2 odd numbers together and finally 2 even numbers.  In maths we have been working systematically applying our knowledge of number bonds up to 10 and extending them to 20, for example, "If I know 6 + 3 = 9 then I know 16 + 3 = 19".  We have also been adding and subtracting one-digit and two-digit numbers up to 20 using different manipulatives and representations to help us.

Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole workshops for Year 1

Earlier this week Year 1 participated in an exciting history workshop about the lives of two very important nurses, Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale.  The children had a wonderful time dressing up and role playing, bringing to life their Sticky Knowledge about these two very important people from the nineteenth century and why they are remembered today. 

Year 2

As well as our terrific class trips to London we have been extremely busy using our creative skills in lots of different ways to support our learning about The Great Fire of London.  We have created a skyline of London, inspired by the artist Wassily Kandinsky.  We also created individual houses to make Pudding Lane and watched in disbelief as it burnt to the ground (on the playground) in about five minutes!!  

We have also been scientists, investigating which materials are waterproof and which are not.  In recent years we have all become more aware of the importance of washing our hands.  We took part in an experiment to prove this by using environmentally friendly, biodegradable glitter to show how germs are passed on by touch.  We discussed the fact that we have both good and bad germs but that by washing our hands we can get rid of most germs.

We have also been busy exploring our History Sticky Knowledge thinking all about chronology. To help us explore this further the teachers brought in baby photos of themselves, their first toys and books and the children had to explore the primary sources carefully for evidence to help them order the items chronologically.  

We have also been learning about hygiene issues in 1666 and what people did to try and prevent the smell! We have been exploring the use of scent bags and have been practising our sewing techniques in preperation for making our own scent bags next week. Watch this space!

In Maths we have imagained ourselves fleeing from The Great Fire crossing The River Thames in boats, using our knowledge of arrays and multiplication facts to help us.  We have also been investigating how to measure length and height in centimetres accurately.  We have learnt that it is very important to start measuring the object from the start point by ensuring that the 0 on the ruler is placed there.

Year 2 trips to London!

Last week each of our Year 2 classes spent an exciting day in London!  We travelled up to London by coach, looking at famous landmarks along the way out of the window.  First, we explored Sir Christopher Wren’s St Paul’s Cathedral.  We listened to our guide as they explained what happened to the cathedral during The Great Fire of London, what survived and how it was rebuilt after the fire.  We walked around the cathedral looking at the amazing sculptures, memorials and mosaics.  We had a chance to role-play how the fire was fought and sat down right under the dome on the floor looking upwards.  We also got to lie down looking up at the ceiling, focusing on the incredible artworks.  It was a really special experience.

We then walked through the City of London and arrived at Pudding Lane. We were able to explore the outside of The Monument and its significance in remember The Great Fire of London. We sung London's Burning at Monument Square and then went and explored Pudding Lane, thinking about how it has changed over time. We were even able to stand in the exact spot the fire started.

Our day was not over yet! We then walked to Tower Bridge, stopping along the Thames Path to soak up the sights and sounds of London! We climbed 211 steps, stopping at various points along the way, until we reached the viewing platform where we stood on top of a glass floor, looking down to The River Thames below!  We also saw amazing views of London and spotting lots of famous landmarks!

All of the children were exemplary  role models for our school and we are extremely proud of them! 

Despite each day being very long and tiring the children had a wonderful and unforgettable day, which will live long in their memories. 

Nurture Group 

In nurture, the children have been busy updating the room with spring decorations. This included making paper chains for the wall, putting together chicks, lambs and daffodils for the season board and finally making some stained glass effect pictures for the door.

As the year 2s are learning all about the Great Fire of London, we did some activities related to this topic including word searches and building small paper houses.

As part of our senses discussion, we had a go at guessing animals simply by hearing different noises they make with the unusual noise from a buffalo getting the biggest laugh! In addition, we had a go at seeing how it feels without our sense of sight, following a simple set of instructions with some playdough.

School Council

School council have been busy over the last few weeks making posters for Red Nose Day! We have designed posters for each of our classrooms to help spread the word that we are selling red noses over the next couple of weeks. We have already sold quite a few and have enjoyed selling red noses to our friends and grown ups! So if you haven't got your red nose yet come and find us next week! 

Eco Team 

During Eco club, the children have been exploring the ways to reuse at school. We are trying to ensure that as much paper as possible is being reused. The children learnt how to use a guillotine and they were able to cut the old scraps of paper into smaller pieces so that the children can reuse the paper during busy learning. 

We then organised the paper into equal piles so that each class has a selection of coloured paper and card. We then distributed the papers to each class. 

We hope this gives you some good ideas of how you can recycle at home!

Awesome achievements!

We love finding out about and celebrating our children's achievements outside of school!

If your child has an achievement that they are very proud of and would like to share with us all, they will get the opportunity to do so during our Celebration Assembly on a Friday. 

Ellie received a certificate for swimming 20 meters unaided. What a superstar!

Matthew received a bracelet for working hard and doing well in fencing. Well done!

Effie received Star of the Week certificate for brilliant handstands and cartwheels in gymnastics. Wow!

Florence was recently awarded her level 3 swimming certificate.  "I have been working hard on my back stroke."  Congratulations Florence!

Daisy has been an awesome athlete and awarded Star of the Week in gymnastics for doing a back flip during her bar work! Super brave work Daisy!

Lily has been awarded a badge for her work in Rainbows. She attended World Thinking Day and got to see owls and falcons in action! Great work Lily! 

Freya was awarded Star of the Week in gymnastics for her amazing cartwheels!  Congratulations Freya!  

Isla has been working extra hard on her reading at home and completed the next stage on Reading Eggs!  Congratulations Isla!

Olive got this special badge from Rainbows for taking part in Thinking Day. "I got to see some animals and I stroked a Kookaburra!" 

Phoenix was awarded Star of the Week in gymnastics for all his incredible efforts and skill progressions! Well done Phoenix!

Madeleine received the Star of the Week award in gymnastics for excellent work and commitment. Well done Madeleine!

Oliver was awarded his Level 5 Certificate in swimming! Congratulations superstar!

Ellie received Star of the Week for outstanding work during gymnastics. Well done! 

Lilly received a certificate of bravery when she got her stitches out. Well done!

Well done to Jessica who received a certificate for star of the week at Gymnastics! Well done Jessica, we are very proud of you!

Congratulations to Freya who was awarded a distinction in her class examination for dance!  Well done Freya!

Freya received a Star of the Week certificate in gymnastics for her amazing handstands! Congratulations Freya!

Well done to Gigi who is proudly sharing her gymnastics certificate. "I got this for doing good cartwheels, handstands and good bridges." Great job superstar!

Well done to Kinlow for getting a swimming certificate. He is now able to swim 5 meters! Well done Kinlow, keep it up!

Congratulations to Joseph for swimming 5 metres. He was excited to share his certificate and badge. Well done Joseph, great job!

Martha was proud to share her swimming certificate. She had shown great listening and can now do a backflip in the water! 

House Points

Head of School Awards

Every Friday, during our whole school Celebration Assembly, Head of School awards are given out to a child or children in each class. The certificates are presented by Mrs Indge to those children who have consistently demonstrated excellent behaviours for learning.

Head of School Awards 8th March 2024.pdf

SuperPoWeR Awards

Miss Dexter pops on her Superhero cape each week during Celebration Assembly to present our SuperPoWeR awards. The awards are given to children who have been demonstrating excellent behaviour through our school values of Passion, Well being and Respect. 

Book Bingo!

Every week, during our Head of School Assembly, a bingo ball is selected from our special red bag. The bingo balls are numbered 1 - 30. Each child in Year 1 and 2 with the corresponding register number to the ball chosen will have the opportunity to bring their Maths book and Project scrapbook to share with Mrs Indge and Miss Dexter later that week. During the Book Bingo session, the children spend time looking through the books together with the adults, whilst discussing and explaining what they have been busy learning about.

FPSA update

Disco Night

Our first 'Disco Night' for the grown-ups was held on Friday 9th February. Thank you to everyone who supported the event and a huge thank you to the two Junior teachers, Mr King and Mr Sawle (aka DJs King & Sawle) who played the music on the night. The event raised ~£1,000 for both schools which is fantastic. Roll on the next one!

FPSA money funds the development of the Infants school pond.

Hopefully parents and children at the Infants have noticed a big change in the pond area behind Beech class. Builders were busy over the February half term and have made some big improvements to this area. The FPSA funded all of this improvement work so thank you to everyone who has supported our fund-raising events, this is a nice example of where the money goes.

Dates for your diary

Bring your bags filled with unwanted clean clothes to help raise funds for both schools. You can leave bags at the Infants gates between 8.30am and 9am.

The FPSA quiz night is back! Join us at the Junior School hall for a fun evening as we raise money for both schools whilst testing our general knowledge and having a drink or two. The quiz includes 4 picture rounds, a music round, a connections round and another mystery round. Book tickets at www.pta-events.co.uk/fpsa. Enter as a full team of 6 or come along as an individual/pair and we will join you with another friendly team on the night. Tickets include lovely food from Palmieri's. A licensed bar will be available.

Thank you to everyone who signed up to have an Oakwood Estates board up outside their house - these should be going up very soon and have helped to raise ~£450 for both schools.

Come and find out about our fundraising in 2023, hear from the school heads about what they have spent FPSA money on and what is on their wish list for 2024. Everyone is welcome.  We would love to have new members join the team so this is a perfect opportunity to meet us, find out more and hopefully join the FPSA!

The AGM will be taking place in the Infants school (most likely Hazel classroom), so please arrive any time from 7.45pm.

Fun for all the family at our biggest fund-raising event of the year. Please save the date!

Useful Information for Parents and Families

Easter Tech Flyer 2024[34].pdf
Forest Fun Easter club flyer.pdf
Springbucks Gymnastics Feb & Easter Camp 2024.pdf
Easter Flier.pdf