Latest News

Better Relationships, Better Learning, Better Behaviour at Avoch Primary School

We have been reviewing and are continuing to review our promoting positive relationships policy. Please have a look at the new policy. Click on the link above.

Stop, Think, Change! (see other attachment) is being used across the school to encourage a consistent approach from all adults in the school. We have orange and blue cards in the playground. The orange card will encourage the child to have some time to think about their behaviour. The blue card is given to the child if they continue to make the wrong choices after the discussion with the PSA.

Every class has a green incident folder, where behaviour incidents will be recorded. Staff will monitor behaviour and they will communicate with parents if they have concerns. I will monitor the incident folders on a monthly basis to have an overview across the school. Any acts of violence in school will come directly to a member of the management team.

We are keen to promote positive behaviour across the school. Earning house points to win the dress down day and extra time to play with the playground toys. Stickers given out in the playground will be worth 10 house points. We want children to continue to make positive choices about their behaviour and to feel proud of their choices.

Wider Achievements

Copy of info on Google Classrooms

Good afternoon and happy new year to you all. We are keen to hear about some of your achievements out of school. If you click on the link below you can tell us something that you have felt proud of recently, learning to tie your shoe laces, helping make a meal at home, taking part in an activity out of school, winning a medal, are just a few examples. We will then share some of these achievements in class and maybe you will get a shout out at assembly.

I look forward to reading them,

Mrs Third.

Bikeability Letters

All P6 children should have come home on Friday with their bikeability letter. Please ensure that this is completed and returned by Friday 16th September. We would like all P6 children to take part in this activity as part of their Health and Wellbeing Curriculum. The sessions will start after the October holidays.

Lost Property

We have a large amount of lost property in the school. If the item has a name on it then we have returned it to the classrooms. At the open afternoon on Thursday 15th the remaining items will be available for you to look through (in the hall if it is wet and outside the reception if it is dry). The remaining items will be offered to the parent council Unicycle services as we do not have space to store lost property.


June 2022 Parent consultation

Copy of Parent Consultation June 2022

Homework Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete the homework survey, here are the results and the next steps. The next steps will begin after the October holidays.

Avoch Homework Survey