Avoch Primary School and ELC 

Welcome to Avoch Primary School

The Avoch team are delighted to welcome you to our new school website.  We hope that you will find the information useful and that we can keep you up to date with what is going on around the school. 

To get a snapshot of what is happening in your child's class then please ensure you have signed onto the Google Classroom.  Please contact your child's classteacher if you need any support with this. 

If you would like to contact the school then please phone the school, 01381 620369, or email avoch.primary@highland.gov.uk 

Kind regards, 

Mrs Lynsey Third

Head Teacher 

Avoch Primary School is situated in the village of Avoch on the southern edge of the Black Isle. The school serves the communities of Avoch, Fortrose and Rosemarkie and the surrounding districts.

The school provides its pupils with a safe, welcoming, purposeful learning and teaching environment. We develop partnerships with parents and all support agencies. There are presently 11 mainstream classes in the school with a spacious, purpose built Early Learning and Childcare Centre. 

School Improvement Plan

Below is our SIP for 23.24 and our Standard and Quality Report for lsat session. 

AVOCH SIP 2023-24.docx
AVOCH SQ 2022-23.docx

Avoch Primary School Handbook 2024/2025

Avoch Primary School handbook 24_25.docx.pdf

Better Relationships, Better Learning, Better Behaviour at Avoch Primary School

Avoch Positive Behaviour Policy Jan 23 Final.pdf

Homework Survey 2024 and Homework Guidance 

Feb 2024 Homework Guidance
Feb 2024 Avoch Homework Survey

P4-P7 Anti-bullying Survey results

Completed in January 2024

Copy of P4-P7 Anti-bullying Survey

ELC Duty of Candour 

Avoch Primary School

Report of Candour 2024

At Avoch Primary School we understand the duty of candour we have for all who may be involved in any incident within the school.  We follow the procedure as stated in the Scottish Government guidance and advice on Duty of Candour, which can be found on https://www.gov.scot/policies/healthcare-standards/duty-of-candour/

Our report will be published on the 1st of April, annually.

We have no incidents to report this year.

 Staff have read and discussed the guidance available and this report will be published on our website.