Avoch Parent Council


Welcome to our Parent Council page.  We have lots going on and you are welcome to get involved at any point, so please just get in touch!  

Our email is avochprimarypc@gmail.com or you can contact us via our Facebook page (Avoch Primary Parent Council)

Don’t forget…. our Lottery! Go to ‘Your School Lottery’ and search for Avoch Primary School or visit https://www.yourschoollottery.co.uk/lottery/school/avoch-primary-school to buy tickets!


Ruth Edmonds (Chair), Debbie du Preez (Vice Chair), Marie-Claire Stallard (Secretary), and Robbie Ireland (Treasurer).

We also have a variety of sub-committee groups that are doing some amazing work with and for the children:

Bikeability: lead by Fiona Whyte

Outdoor space: lead by Ruth Edmonds

Play equipment: lead by Claire Weaver

Stories for the Black Isle: lead by Cathryn Macpherson

FREE school uniform- Unicycle: lead by Julie Kennedy

FuNraising: lead by Maru Fraser

Class Reps: lead by Debbie Du Preez

Meeting dates for the diary

The first meeting of the year was on Wednesday 27 September: 6:30-8pm

Dates for 2023-24 will be confirmed following the AGM.

Next Meeting will be our AGM

Monday 2 October 2023  7-8 pm - this will be an in-person meeting at the school, online link can be requested

Contact the Parent Council

You can join the Parent Council anytime or just get in touch with suggestions, queries or problems at avochprimarypc@gmail.com or via our Facebook page (Avoch Primary Parent Council).


The November agenda will be circulated by email. 

Update from Newsletters

Our Rewilding Project has now received a big order of trees and foraging hedges for our orchard area. These will be planted during Garden Club which is run by Mrs Byham every Thursday 3.15-4.15pm. Please come along on any week if you can help! It is sure to be great fun.

We had a big turn out for Bat Night! So many of you came along for this and it was great fun! Thanks especially to James Bunyan for such a great talk.

We are a Co-op Cause this year! We will be using this money to fund flexible and loose parts play equipment. If you have a Co-op Membership Card you can go online and select us as your cause and we will get more money –but it will not cost you anything!

Go to: https://membership.coop.co.uk/causes/72011

We are still looking for Class Reps! Please sign up using our google form if you can help. You do not need to be a committee member to do this role. Class Reps play pivotal part in communications for the school and the Parent Council and it is not a big job!

Please fill out our Google Form or get in touch.


Remember our School Lottery -

https://www.yourschoollottery.co.uk/lottery/school/avoch-primaryschool to buy tickets! All the money made goes back to help the school.