Welcome to the Forsyth County Schools Early Literacy Resource Page
This website was created to serve as an online resource dedicated to providing information, support, and resources for students, families, educators, and professionals within the Forsyth County School System.
Forsyth County Schools is committed to ensuring the work we do not only meets the required literacy and dyslexia legislation, but also is focused on providing all students with high quality instruction that will help them excel in the classroom and beyond.
With the new legislation from the state of Georgia around the Early Literacy Act and Dyslexia, Forsyth County Schools is committed to ensuring all requirements are meet and focused on providing quality literacy instruction for all students.
For more information about the Georgia Early Literacy Act and what Forsyth County Schools is doing to meet all of the legislative requirements, please click here.
Forsyth County Schools is dedicated to providing quality instruction for all students. The FCS Literacy Essentials are the elements upon which our literacy instruction is built. We believe, and research has proven, that these elements are essential components of literacy that all students need in order to be successful readers and writers.
For more information on how to support your child at home with literacy, please click here.