Census 2020: Shaping Forsyth County's Future

About This Site

This microsite is designed to be an information hub for community stakeholders in Forsyth County, North Carolina to better understand the 2020 Census, why it matters, and how they can contribute to a complete and accurate count of our community. Please direct all questions to Elizabeth@ForsythFutures.org.

Encouraging a Complete Count

Forsyth County Census Response Locations

The map below shows all 2020 Census response locations for Forsyth County.

Information on all locations is also available in spreadsheet format.

Local Nonprofits Have a Big Role to Play

Grant Funding

Nonprofits and Community Based Organizations with annual incomes of $150,000 or less (even without 501c3 status) can apply for $1,000 by the first of each month from the Winston-Salem Foundation's Small Grants program. The Foundation would be interested in supporting local groups who are promoting the Census through various events and encourages them to apply.

Click here to learn more.

Request Resources for Community Events

COMPLETE THIS BRIEF FORM to request resources to help you promote the Census in your community. Does your place of business or nonprofit have places where you could hang fliers? Are you hosting a community event where enumerators could come help people complete their Census forms? Let us know what we can do to help!

Suggest a Location for the Mobile Unit

COMPLETE THIS BRIEF FORM to suggest an event or location that would be a good opportunity to raise community awareness with the Census mobile unit. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Share Your Efforts with the Community

If you would like to share the work you're doing to as a resource to others and to help coordinate the work please reach out to Elizabeth Lees at elizabeth@forsythfutures.org. We'll be sharing local efforts as they come in!

Forsyth County Complete Count Committee

The City of Winston-Salem and Forsyth County have assembled a complete count committee to help facilitate a fair and accurate count in Forsyth County. This committee is made up of several subcommittees that are working to promote the Census. The list below shows the work that different Complete Count Subcommittees are doing to promote the Census locally.

Government Subcommittee

  • Banners to local fire/police/town facilities being delivered 2-3-2020
  • Billboards to begin 2-10-2020
  • Sanitation truck wraps being installed week of 2-3-2020
  • Digital information at WSTA, PART, DSS, Downtown Health Plaza
  • Trans-Aid bus wraps
  • Announcements and digital advertising at upcoming Joel Coliseum events

Communications Subcommittee

  • Setting up local ad buys and digital content
  • Coordinating with other subcommittees for communications needs

Business Subcommittee

  • Upcoming meeting with Chamber of Commerce
  • Ongoing communications with large employers for messaging in employee communications channels

Education Subcommittee

  • Banners at select school locations
  • Communications through K-12 channels (Peach Jar)
  • Campus Census day – date TBD — event at same time/same day/every campus to kick off campus count

Hard-to-Count Populations Subcommittee

  • Working with Census Bureau on group quarters count
  • Homeless population count – Point in Time, Census Bureau enumeration
  • Hispanic League events – Zumbathon Feb. 28, ID event March 16/17
  • Partner locations for Census response

Nonprofit Subcommittee

  • Meetings to coordinate the effort of nonprofits in promoting the Census
  • Providing website to help coordinate and inform Census efforts