Social and Emotional Learning for at Home

Thirty things kids can do at home for social-emotional health!

  1. Practice taking 3 belly breaths every hour. Keep a chart!

  2. Name all the emotions and feelings you can think of.

  3. Play emotions charades. Can your family guess the feelings on your face?

  4. Write a letter to encourage someone or tell them what you appreciate about them.

  5. Ask how you can help at home by doing 3 extra chores.

  6. Make a colorful poster about kindness for a school bulletin board.

  7. Make a list of ten ways kids can show respect to other kids at school.

  8. Write a story about a character who has the super power of compassion.

  9. Take a long walk and count how many colors of blooming flowers you see, or draw them in a journal.

  10. Make a list of 30 things you are grateful for or appreciate.

  11. Make cinnamon toast or some other tasty treat for a family member.

  12. See if you can be second all day-- try to let others go first all day long.

  13. Choose something you care about that is at-risk or endangered and find out how you can be an ADVOCATE.

  14. Make up a play or script where Second Step characters Puppy and Snail talk about kindness, respect, compassion or some other Falcon-awesome character quality.

  15. Look up and practice yoga animal poses.

  16. Play Red Light-Green Light to practice self-control.

  17. Write or draw what it means to be a good friend.

  18. Practice the “Grounding Exercise”: Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, 1 thing you can taste.

  19. Think of 5 places you have visited that make you happy.

  20. Invite a family member to watch this flipped lid video with you:

  21. Practice sitting still for one minute and focus on the sounds you hear.

  22. Practice “5 Finger Breathing”: Trace your fingers slowly, inhalve on the way up, exhale on the way down.

  23. Make an acrostic of your full name with positive character qualities or things you can do to be kind.

  24. Make a list of things that help you calm down when you’re angry.

  25. Make greeting cards with cheerful pictures and positive messages.

  26. Create a recipe for what makes a good friend (like “1 cup of Kindness…”)

  27. Draw a picture of your future self in your future career.

  28. Create a board game about making good choices (move forward) and bad (move backward!).

  29. Help a parent clean out a closet and take things you don’t use anymore to a charity organization.

  30. Make a coupon book of helpful things you can do for a friend or family member.

3 Essential Relaxation Skills for Kids with Anxiety

by Counselor Keri

Here is a great resource that explains how to teach 3 basic coping strategies to help students with anxiety! Grounding is one of Mrs. Barron;s favorite coping tools to use and teach to my students.

Made by Carol Miller - The Middle School Counselor