Counseling Program 

Individual Counseling 

In a school setting, a counselor does brief counseling. This addresses minor problems within a few sessions. The school setting is different than a therapeutic/clinical setting where diagnosis and treatment plans are created and treatment is administered for a longer period of time. The goal of school counseling is to address minor issues which impact learning while at school. If issues continue to impact the students learning at school, after intervention by the school counselor, a referral to an outside resource will be suggested to the parents/guardians. School counselors also work with outside agencies to ensure student success while at school. 

Group Counseling 

Group Counseling can take place in the counselor's office or in a lunch bunch group. If your student is chosen for lunch bunch by the teacher, a permission slip will be sent home . 

Week 1 & 3

Week 2 & 4 

Guidance Lessons

Forsan Elementary is using a character education curriculum called Character Strong that focuses on 10 character traits. The ten traits are courage, respect, perseverance, gratitude, honesty, kindness, empathy, responsibility, creativity, and cooperation. Each class attends guidance lessons twice a month for 30 minutes.  

Who is the school counselor?

• A certified/licensed professional who provides guidance to all students

• A community outreach coordinator

• A professional who assists/consults with students, parents, teachers, and administrators

What does a school counselor do?

• Works with individuals and groups

• Helps identify needs of students

• Encourages better student relationships

• Promotes positive attitudes and choices

• Maintains confidences

• Provides "preventative" counseling

• Aids teachers and parents in helping students

• Assists people in making better use of community resources

• Reviews test results to provide information about abilities, needs, achievements, and interests

• Helps students and parents understand the developmental stages of growth

• Coordinates efforts with other school personnel

• Coordinates referrals to outside agencies

• Facilitates discussion groups

• Provides in-service for faculty

• Participates in curriculum development

• Lends support to school, career, and personal plans

What is the purpose of individual, group counseling and classroom guidance?

• To help students to develop selfunderstanding and selfawareness

• To encourage students to recognize and make the best use of their abilities

• To provide opportunities for students to experience success

• To help students build self-confidence

• To help students adapt to school and social situations

• To assist students in the transitional process

• To develop students' awareness of the world of work

• To teach students the decision-making/problem solving process

• To encourage students to recognize, understand, and work through learning differences

• To give students an opportunity to talk about educational and personal/social concerns

Mrs. Barron wants you to know:

You Matter!

You're Important! 

I Care About You!

Be a World Changer!

Your character is important and it comes from your heart! 

Don't forget to fill someones bucket today!