Bible Verses

Children collecting water from the polluted Yamuna River in India

Jeremiah 2:13: “Two evils my people have done: they have forsaken me, the source of living waters; They have dug themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water” (Je 2:13, NABRE).

This verse highlights the severed relationship between God and humanity from climate change today. God created the 71% of water that makes up the Earth, yet, through humanity’s technological, economic, and industrial advancements, water has become unsafe and scarce through pollution, toxic waste, and the greed of the powerful and rich. With these advancements and especially the creation of fossil fuels, humanity has “dug themselves cisterns” or in other words, has created its own systems. However, these human-made systems are broken and “cannot hold water,” as our already small percentage of drinking water decreases as climate change worsens. Just like the nation of Israel, humanity has damaged its sacred relationship with God through its ill-treatment of water. To fix this relationship, humanity must fix the Earth’s condition first, starting with mitigating the pollution and waste contaminating our water. 

Similar to David's trust in God's loyalty to humankind, this verse emphasizes how women in countries with “high water stress” can find the same trust as David exhibits. While David’s tone implies that God is “forcing” him to lie in still waters, it is the opposite. God means to gently lead him down to a “green pasture,” or a safe, peaceful haven. As women collectively spend 200 million hours collecting water per day, knowing that God will lead them to a “green pasture” or a safe place without dangerous terrain is comforting. These women collecting water can trust God to lead them to a reliable water source, or "still waters." Even as these women trudge across steep mountains, deserts, expansive forests, or “valley of the shadow of death,” for water, they can find strength in God’s presence—knowing that in the end, God will provide them with clean, plentiful water.

Women carrying jugs of water

Psalm 23: “In green pastures he makes me lie down to still waters he leads me; he restores my soul. He guides me along right paths[a] for the sake of his name. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me” (Ps 23:2-4, NABRE)