Historical Context

Where Did This All Begin In History?

Mental health can be first dated all the way back to 400 B.C. Many people during this time many people believed that people were being possessed by demons and many people where being isolated, and being treated as though they were diseased and kept them in dungeons and chaining them to walls so they wouldn't escape.

Now if we flash forward mental health is viewed very differently. Mental health can come in many different forms from anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders, disruptive behavior and dis-social disorder, and borderline personality disorder. There are so many different types of disorders that it is hard to keep track of them all. Now that we are more advanced with modern day technologies we are able to provide the best possible care we can for people struggling. Down below will be video talking about how mental health has changed over the years and why we should focus more on fixing things rather then overlooking them.

Where Did It All Begin?

Take a look at this video that dates back all the way to 400 B.C. to our current day mental health