What can be done?

How can we help better our teens mental Health needs?

There are many different ways that we can help teens around the country. First we can start off with trying to find or see the signs that someone is struggling internally. The video down below will show, all the different side affects that teens can go through.

Teen Mental Health

This video will touch base on some of the statistics of mental health and also will have a suicide hotline if you or a loved one is struggled. 

What have I done?

I have put together a bunch of  different programs which are listed below. These programs will be available to students where they will be able to enter themselves into them and seek the help that they need. If you are 18 you can join by yourself, but if you are under the age of 18 having a legal guardian or parent help you with this process is advised. 

In my school, what I am trying to hire a service dog from a non-profit organizations, during the time of midterms and finals. I know that during this time things can become stressful, and it is known that fluffy, cute, and zen dogs can help release some of that anxiety. Services are completely free so I will be providing 

Dog B.O.N.E.S Therapy

When looking into finding therapy dogs, I was so excited to be able to bring a furry friend onto Fontbonne Campus. All of these Dogs are well trained, and absolutely adorable and friendly towards all. The owners are very nice as well and super flexible with times and places! I will but there website here!!!


Here is the link to my cousins website that came to light when her aunt passed away due to suicide. She also Advocates for Mental Health Awareness and it is something that is so important to her. She wants to be able to spread the word across the world and make sure that everyone knows that they have a purpose on the earth.

She also has merchandise that she is selling such as: Sweatpants and sweatshirts which are very cute and comfortable. The sweatshirt will be displayed on her website along with her sweatpants. Please go and Visit her Website to support our business and spread awareness