About Me

Yijia Chen (Lydia)'24

I am a student of the 28th class of Fontbonne, and my Social Justice theme is Disparities and Challenges Faced by Children in Tibet. 

When I was a little girl, my mother would go to Tibet every year and share pictures of Tibet with me. That's when I started paying attention to Tibet about education and child welfare issues in Tibet. Tibet's geographical environment, cultural traditions, and economic conditions cause children there to face many challenges, including a lack of educational resources, inconvenient transportation, poverty, and other issues. Therefore, I created an online platform through which we can donate online to provide educational resources for children in Tibet. At the same time, I cooperate with public welfare organizations through social media to expand the influence of the project and attract more people's attention and support. 

I hope to make a difference for the children of Tibet. Let every child have the opportunity to receive high-quality education and grow up healthily.