
Reggio Inspired Kindergarten

Our Reggio inspired Kindergarten program follows the same curriculum as any other Kindergarten program in Alberta. We are a 3 hour program with an AM and PM class. We do offer bussing for this program. Through play your child will learn literacy, numeracy, art, Mandarin, physical education, outdoor play, music, and play skills.

Reggio Inspired ECDP

Our Reggio inspired ECDP program follows the same frameworks as any other ECDP program in the FMPSD. We are a 3 hour program with an AM and PM class. We focus on the students learning their alphabet, play skills, numbers, patterning, expanding vocabulary, and learning through play. The students will also get to participate in physical education and music classes, taught by specialized teachers.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us for any questions or concerns you may have

Walter and Gladys Hill Address:

3-301 Sparrow Hawk Dr

Fort McMurray, AB

T9K 1S5

Walter and Gladys Hill Phone Number:

(780) 743-3101

Walter and Gladys Hill Email: