

Home Education Registration Form

Parent Directed Homeschool Program (1-12)

Parent’s choosing the parent-led option will have to fill out a Home Education Notification Form. They will also have to provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate or Citizenship documents. You can bring these documents directly to Frank Spragins High School, 190 Tamarack Way, or you can email them to

Blended Learning (Shared Responsibility) (1-12)

For blended learning, you will need to fill out both the Home Education Notification Form, and a school registration form. You will also need to provide a copy of your child's birth certificate. School registration will depend upon the needs of the student and the parent, along with school availability. Blended Programming can be discussed with the Home Education Coordinator upon registration for your Home Education Program

Telephone: 780-714-3434

Teacher-Led Module Based (Frank Spragins 9-12)

Module-based options will require you to fill out a school registration form only. You will also need to provide a copy of the student's birth certificate. Please select Frank Spragins High School upon registration. Please select one of the following options: