Excursion to Model Farm during the Annual Meeting in Gothenburg

22nd of September 2020 Field trip “the farming ecosystem of Gothenburg”

A bus trip from urban to rural Gothenburg. We explored how the interplay between public actors, local communities and new entrepreneurs during a longer period of time have re-created a relationship between urban and rural geography and increased local food production. The pilot cases in the Gothenburg Hub of SATURN has been an important piece in this process. The four pilot cases: The testbeds, the Model Farm, the Farming Incubator and the mapping of underutilized and abandoned farmland alongside Road190 together forming an “ecosystem” for lowering thresholds for new farming entrepreneurs, the most important part of a local food system.

Annual Workshop in Gothenburg

23rd of September 2020 Conference & Workshop

For a full day in Gothenburg SATURN project presented best practices, pilot cases and discussions around models and methods for strengthening the peri-urban food systems. A multitude of international, national and local stakeholders from private and public sector, academia and NGO’s participated and together we created an opportunity for co-creation and learning on this urgent and important topic.

 International Sustainability Conference MOTION training

18th of August 2020 Prof. Sara Favargiotti presented SATURN as a case study at the  International Sustainability Conference 2020 (IST 2020) in a dedicated workshop.

The session has been organized together with the MOTION team, based on our ongoing work in the project, in the context of International Sustainability Conference 2020 (IST 2020) on the 18th of August, 2020 in the afternoon. Task managers, project managers and other partners from  EIT Climate-KIC have been invited, so they can learn from the ongoing experiences.



The session has been organized together with the MOTION team, based on our ongoing work in the project, in the context of International Sustainability Conference 2020 (IST 2020) on the 18th of August, 2020 in the afternoon. Task managers, project managers and other partners from  EIT Climate-KIC have been invited, so they can learn from the ongoing experiences.

SATURN Webinar 17 June 2020 All Presentations.pdf

Thinkers and Doers: Anastasia Nikologianni—landscape-led models for a carbon neutral future

Climate Crisis: Landscape-led models for a carbon neutral future, 10th June 2020

This lecture touches upon the climate challenges we face and the impact these have on the value of the landscape, our communities, and economies. Using real life projects, Dr Anastasia Nikologianni discusses innovative models that have demonstrated the significance of policy, transformation, and the landscape in strategic design within multidisciplinary teams and collaboration processes.


Zoom Webinar, 18 maggio 2020

Marina Carrieri, Rafforzamento di reti agroalimentari e filiera corta di commercializzazione per promuovere l'agroecologia: un'esperienza in America Latina (Brasile).

Firma del Manifesto Green Cycle

Sottoscrizione del manifesto nell'ambito del progetto Green Cycle.

Incontro Pergine Valsugana

1 Febbraio 2020, momento formativo/informativo

Incontro Borgo Valsugana

24 Gennaio 2020, momento formativo/informativo

Workshop Climathon, Urban Challenge

11 December 2020, Bologna

La Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) combina tecnologie, investimenti, capacity building e policy per affrontare la produzione alimentare alla luce dei cambiamenti climatici, occupandosi di resilienza, emissioni di gas serra, sostenibilità. Per rispondere a questa sfida complessa l'Istituto per la BioEconomia del CNR e l'Italian Regional CSA Hub in collaborazione con EIT Climate-KIC hanno organizzato un Ideation workshop & networking con l’obiettivo di creare una rete di stakeholder disposti collaborare e co-creare iniziative e progetti sulla Climate Smart Agriculture e sull'uso sostenibile del suolo.

Ideation workshop & networking on Climate Smart Agriculture

11 December 2020, Bologna

Climate-KIC Innovation Ecosystem Programme: Building Stakeholder Interactions

5-6, December 2020, Brussels

Visit of the Swedish partners

Swedish partners visited Trentino Hub

Our Swedish partners visited Trentino hub from the 14th to the 17th of November. They had the chance to visit Pergine, Piana Rotaliana and to participate to the conference Nutrire Trento

Conferenza Nutrire Trento

Cibo, territorio e sostenibilità, 15- 16 November 2019, Trento

145 Fem, Trento hub and its local partners present SATURN

The local partners of SATURN present the project during the celebration of the 145° Fem, 10 November 2019, San Michele All'Adige

CATiD Birmingham

The local partners of SATURN present the project during the celebration of the 145° Fem, 10 November 2019, San Michele All'Adige

Project SATURN.pdf

EIT Climate-KIC Innovation Ecosystem Workshop

16, 18 June 2019, Valencia

The project meets Comunità Rotaliana Könisberg

9th of January 2019 at Fondazione Edmund Mach

Kick off meeting in Trento

Los Dama Stakeholder Meeting

28 June, Torino, Italy

The 8th project meeting was hosted by Maria Quarta, Sarah Braccio and Luigi La Riccia from the Regione Piemonte.

On our first day we discussed the local pilot activities, each in a short presentation and Martina, Nuria and Christina introduced the final toolbox, which we then reviewed in small groups. Aurore and Alessandro presented the status quo of A.T3.2. We also did a final review on our publications "Discovering landscapes" and "Compendium" and discussed our digital activites within the project.

The second day was dedicated to visiting the local pilot of Turin. First we were given symbolic element handouts which functioned as frames for taking pictures. While discovering the local pilot area we got a lot of information not only from our direct project partners but also from external experts. In the afternoon we visited the beach of Turin and also the Meisino Park.

On our last day we talked about the agenda for the final conference and we discussed the closure of our project at the end of this year, particularly the financial management. We also got into depth about the continuation of the city network after LOS_DAMA! project ends. Manuelas and Karstens presentation to landscape approaches was very informative for everyone. Together with our knowledge partners we discussed the scientific contributions and conferences concerning LOS_DAMA!.