Work package 3: Project management and future proofing

The Lead Partner will operate towards the creation of a favourable climate of collaboration within smooth dynamics of management. The aim is to create a trusty network of partners and territories, able to expand its own initiatives beyond the end of the project.
Lead Partner has to overlook on the respect of the agreed timeline for the development of the project. Beside the responsibility in any Work Package is due to the partner in charge for coordinating this activity, Lead Partner will periodically check the status of progress of activities. Financial data will be gathered one month in advance of the end of each quarter of the year in order to respect the completion of the mandatory documents as requested by EIT. A particular attention will be paid to the consolidated yearly report that has to be submitted just after each solar year. Lead Partner will remind to any partners their duties in respecting the deadlines and complete properly the documents. Lead Partner it has also the role to update the partnerships with the changes occurring in any of the official EIT document, particularly those one of administrative and financial matters. Lead partner will coordinate the preparation of consolidated report, during and, in particular, at the end of the project. Some of these documents, accordingly to the indications from EIT and Climate KIC, can be of public interest and displayed on the various channels of communication (project website, partners websites, newsletter, social media, etc.)

The overall picture on the concurrent dynamics and activities developed with the EIT Climate KIC, and those strictly related, will be granted by the continuous involvement of one member of the CKIC staff. Climate KIC will support the Lead Partner in coordinating and organising all the activities of communication and dissemination with the part-time involvement of one member of the Mediterranean Geography specialised on this. Lead Partner will prepare materials of information about the project to be circulated in each region involved and during national and international events. Accordingly to specific topic or geographical position it could delegate any other member to represent the project during these activities. A final conference will be organised in order to spread the results, evidences, opportunities and future development of the project.

Morevore, to ensure the sustainability of the initiative, in this WP the consortium will confirm the long-term involvement of municipalities with the inclusion of the objectives of the project into the planning norms and strategy locally adopted. Each municipality, in collaboration with the local ecosystem of relevant stakeholders, could operate in creating a dedicated system of financial resources. It could be realized with partnership (on a different level of public, private and collective involvement) sponsorship, crow-funding and other sources. In order to reach this objective it is relevant to define an appropriate “consolidation funding scheme” (CFS) which will permit the living of the project behind the EIT funding.

The dimension beyond the single involved territories will be guaranteed with the adhesion to existing networks, at national and international levels, focused on the key elements of the proposals. This can offer the opportunity to enter already active initiatives or design new ones. The consortium will operate in securing novel funds seeking the available opportunities with a large spectrum of frameworks (at EU level related to FP9, ERDF, ESF and on a wider scale with reference to global initiatives). In perspective some of the actors involved in the activities could themselves move along a line of financial sustainability of their own initiatives or towards the creation of a further networks on different levels (i.e. small companies, start-ups, market farmers’, NGO, etc). The consortium and the involved territories would try, whenever available within their structures, to support this bottom-up approach or to address them to the most relevant agencies.
All the partners will share, following a shared approach and methodology, the arising opportunities and then they will be evaluated by the expertise from Climate KIC and discussed internally. Positive judgement on the available opportunities will then lead to the preparation and submission of proposal, with an involvement of the actual partnerships or formed by new actors, to financers.

The consortium will also identify a list of services, tools or opportunities that can be provided to third parties (local authorities, private companies, citizens, entrepreneurs, planners, etc.) in the field of multifunctional peri-urban landscape management.