

San Michele all'Adige (TN), Italy

Palazzo della Ricerca e della Conoscenza

Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM) in San Michele all’Adige is a prestigious institution which has achieved many important goals over the years at international level delivering a range of education, training and technology transfer programs in the fields of agriculture, food processing and sustainable development.

The Campus is located in the town of San Michele all’Adige, just 16 km to the north of Trento. It consists in 70 hectares of land and a 14-hectare campus, hosting school facilities, greenhouses, laboratories and offices.


How to reach us

Via Edmund Mach, 1, 38098 San Michele all'Adige TN

By public transport

Closest FS train station (Verona - Brenner line): Mezzocorona

Local transport network: Trentino Trasporti

By car

State road SS12 (S. Michele)

Highway A22: exit “S. Michele - Mezzocorona”; then follow directions to Trento, at the S. Michele roundabout take second exit, then entrance to campus