
Special Issue in Physiologia Plantarum

Selected thematic papers can be published in a special issue dedicated to "Polar, alpine and mountain plants in climate change" of the international journal Physiologia Plantarum. More details are available here.

Presentations and posters

Participants willing to present a contribution are asked to prepare an abstract, which will be included in the Conference e-proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference to present the work. Each participant can submit only ONE abstract. Deadline for abstract submission is 31st July 2024. Abstract acceptance will be confirmed by 31st August 2024

Authors submitting abstracts are required to choose the topic (one only) that is relevant to the proposed presentation. Authors should also indicate whether they prefer Oral or Poster presentation. The Scientific Committee will make the final decision regarding the selection of abstracts for Oral presentation, or Posters.


Abstracts preparation

The contents of the abstract should be clear, concise and have been revised by an experienced English speaker. The abstract should contain a short introduction, objectives, methods, results and conclusions, although not highlighted as separate sections. Some sections may be omitted if they are not relevant. Maximum length is 3,000 characters (including spaces). Abstract will include only text, no references nor images are allowed.

Posters size should be A0 (maximum 841 mm wide x 1189 mm high).

Abstract Guide.docx