prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes

CELL: Basic Unit of life

PROKARYOTE: Does not contain a nucleus or membrane bound organelles

EUKARYOTE: Contains a nucleus and membrane bound organelles

Plant Cells vs. animal cells

NUCLEUS - contains genetic information

CHLOROPLAST - involved in process of photosynthesis & production of glucose

MITOCHONDRIA - involved in the process of cellular respiration & production of energy for the cell in the form of ATP

VACUOLES - Storage for water and waste

CELL MEMBRANE - provides protection to cell and manages what does in and out of the cell

CELL WALL - important for structure and support

Food webs & food chains

matter & energy flow in ecosystems

cellular respiration


carbon cycle

Cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere while photosynthesis pulls carbon dioxide out of the atmospshere. 


ORGANIC COMPOUND: Compounds that contain one or more atoms bonded to carbon

MONOMER - Basic unit of larger molecules called polymers

POLYMER - molecule made up of monomers chemically bonded

ENZYME - protein that speeds up chemical reactions