Grade Categories

Assignment Policies

Grade Scales 

The following scale will be used to convert numeric grades to letter grades that will be reported in Aspen/X2. At this time Google Classroom only allows reports of grades numerically. Students will receive bi-weekly grade report updates to help them keep track of their progress. 


Rubrics will be used to score all assignments and some major assignments. 

While some rubrics will be specific to the assignment, the rubrics below will most commonly be used to assess progress. 

Please note that rubrics for minor assignments may be in a 0-4 point scale as opposed to 1-5 point scale.

Formative Assignment Grade Rubric

Formative general Assignment Rubric

This rubric will traditionally be used for practice work, homework, and classwork. 

Retake policies

A student may retake an assessment or portion of one, possibly multiple times, before the trimester ends. It is my desire for all students to retake assessments because I believe all students can continue to pursue deeper learning even after concepts are formally assessed. However; the goal of retakes is not to create a crutch for students. The goal is for students to take learning seriously and also be provided with an encouraging classroom environment that welcomes risks and mistakes, allowing for growth.

Students will first be allowed to retake an assessment if they would like to improve score. It is preferable for students to wait (usually 7-10 class days) in order to allow time for error analysis, practice, and other efforts to pursue further learning. With this in mind, a student is highly encouraged to complete an analysis report that includes reflection questions and practice problems related to the previous assessment.

If a student would like to retake a quiz a 2nd time (or more), then he or she is required to fill out a quiz analysis form before the retake. The student must prove that they have put work in to master the standards to be assessed. This can be through notes, progressing through Legends of Learning or IXL, coming to extra help or verification from another teacher that they worked with. After those conditions are met, the student may retake the quiz a 2nd time. All additional retakes will follow the same process.

The highest grade achieved during the grading period will be placed in the grade book. This approach is used because it allows students to pursue learning without penalty and be rewarded for perseverance. We want students to keep working until mastery is demonstrated no matter how long it takes.

Missed Assessments

If a student is absent the day of an assessment, they need to schedule a time to make up this assessment with me. Students are responsible for making sure that they have made up any missing assignments, including assessments.