English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

ELAC Meetings

The last ELAC meeting for the 2022-2023 school year took place at the beginning of April. Scroll down to see presentations, agendas, and materials from this year's meetings.

Parent Workshops

We currently are in the process of planning parent engagement events for next year. Check back soon for more updates!

Parent Feedback

We value your opinion! If you are the parent of an English Learner (EL), please take this short survey to let us know how we are doing and how we can improve educational programming for our students.

Troy ELAC Agenda 8.29.22

Meeting Agenda

ELAC Meeting 1 (Troy22-23)

ELAC Meeting #1 

Topics include: Introductions, the purpose of ELAC and DELAC, elections

EL Student Flowchart
ELAC Meeting 2 (Troy)

ELAC Meeting #2

Topics include: EL Reclassification and Supports, Seal of Biliteracy, ELAC Bylaws

Troy ELAC Agenda 10.24.22

Meeting Agenda

Biliteracy Flyer (1).pdf

Seal of Biliteracy Info Flyer

Troy ELAC Agenda 12.5.22

Meeting Agenda

Troy Counseling Resources for ELAC Committee

Troy HS Counseling Resources

ELAC Meeting 3 (Troy)

ELAC Meeting #3

Topics include: DELAC Report, Counseling Webpage, Counseling Q&A

December ELAC '22 (Troy)

ELAC Meeting #4

Topics include: Mental health supports, Q&A Session, Student Clubs and Activities

Troy ELAC Agenda 12.5.22

Meeting Agenda


Accessing School-based Mental Health Resources at FJUHSD

Troy ELAC Agenda 1.23.23

Meeting Agenda

January ELAC '23 (TRHS)

ELAC Meeting #5

Topics include: CalFresh Presentation, ELPAC Overview, LCAP Survey

Troy ELAC Agenda 2.27.23

Meeting Agenda

ELAC Meeting Notes Answer Sheet

ELPAC Meeting Notes Answer Sheet

Use this sheet to help prepare your student for the ELPAC test.

Fillable Notes Sheet (English and Spanish)

Mandarin Notes Sheet 

Korean Notes Sheet

(Troy) February ELAC Meeting

ELAC Meeting #6

Topics include: District Discipline Policy, ELPAC Update, EL Needs Assessment

Troy ELAC Agenda 4.3.23

Meeting Agenda

April ELAC (Troy)

ELAC Meeting #7 

Topics include: CalOptima Presentation, ELPAC Results, End-of-Year reflection and survey

Checking Summative ELPAC Scores in Aeries

Checking Summative ELPAC Scores in Aeries Fillable Form

Spanish Form 

Mandarin Form

Korean Form  

Answer Key