
Introduction Letter

Greetings CRES Families,

I am writing to introduce PE for the 2020-2021 school year. Please read the Maine Department of Education Guidance for 2020. I have condensed the information that applies to PE. I plan to abide by these guidelines with the hope that over time we are able to loosen some restrictions and restore physical education at CRES to pre COVID-19.

In the past, PE was an opportunity to build peer to peer relationships through physical activity. This would require students to interact in partnerships and small groups, and work in close proximity. In addition, we worked on a variety of physical skills.

Moving forward, I plan to prioritize physical fitness as a means to improve core strength and also cardiovascular endurance. I plan to integrate the iPad as a way to track an individual’s progress. I have a bit of a learning curve with the integration of technology, but I am hopeful that kids will see their growth. In addition, I plan to use facets of yoga and mindful movement.

Based on the guidelines from the state, I believe I can use equipment such as hula hoops, jump ropes, and some balls. I have time built into my schedule to sanitize equipment after each class. We will work on skills that connect with this equipment, but I also plan to offer students choice time for part of each class.

Classes will be approximately 45 minutes a day. Students will have the same special for approximately seven weeks.

When the weather is cooperative, classes will be held outside as often as possible. Dressing according to the weather will be very important. We will go out if it is misty. We will go out if it is cold. We will go out if it is warm and muggy or buggy. Proper footwear is required. I will no longer offer shoes for students to borrow in the gym.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly with any questions or concerns. I am going to make my best effort to reach out to you regarding things like proper footwear or physical distancing challenges.

I am interested to be a part of education at this time and to see how all the planning and preparation works out.

Maine Department of Education: School Guidance August 12, 2020

With physical activity, individuals tend to breathe more heavily and speak louder or yell, which increases the potential for dispersal of respiratory droplets. Physical education classes and activities should follow the relevant guidance related to indoor/outdoor activities, masks/face coverings, and physical distancing described in this document. In addition:

· Physical education classes must not include activities with close physical contact (Updated 8/12/20 for clarity).

· Physical education should prioritize activities that do not require shared equipment. If any shared equipment is used, clean and disinfect equipment between uses and at least daily.

· Prioritize outdoor activities, whenever possible.

· Students must wash or sanitize hands before and after physical education. Particular attention should be paid to washing and sanitizing hands before and after masks are removed and put on, if applicable.

· No sharing of water bottles, towels, mouth guards, helmets or other equipment that comes into contact with the nose or mouth is allowed.

· Students may be encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and safe footwear to school that allows for safe movement and is appropriate for the weather in order to participate in physical education without the use of a locker room.

· All sharing of equipment should follow the guidelines in the “Shared Objects” section of this document (Updated 8/12/20).

· Physical activities should follow the following precautions: (Updated 8/12/20)

a. If outdoors, without masks, these activities can occur with 14 feet of distance between individuals.

b. If outdoors, with masks, these activities can occur with 6 feet of distance between individuals.

c. If indoors, with masks required, these activities can occur with 6 feet of distance between individuals.

PE Schedule 2020-2021

PE Schedule 20-21