Professional Writing

On This Page

Writing a Resume

Writing a Cover Letter

How to Get Noticed

Business Communication

Writing a Resume

Use this guide created by the FIT Career and Internship Center to help you write your resume strategically and showcase your qualifications to potential employers.


Writing a Cover Letter

You might be asked to submit a cover letter with your resume for job and internship applications. Read this guide to learn more about what employers are looking for in cover letters and how you can stand out among other candidates.

Writing a Cover Letter.pdf

How to Get Noticed

Employers often read dozens of resumes and cover letters for a particular job. Follow these tips to make sure they remember yours!

resumes & cover letters.pdf

Business Communication

Professional communication is often different from the way we communicate with friends, family members, and even professors, so it's good to know some ways you can maintain professionalism in every context.

Business Communication Resource.pdf

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