About Us



The vision of each of the Fitchburg Public Schools is to provide learning experiences that engage all students in achieving high academic standards while developing intellectual rigor, creative interest, and social characteristics that prepare them for the challenges of living successfully and productively as citizens of this new century.

Our mission is to provide coordinated curricular and extracurricular experiences that inspire students to develop the academic, intellectual, creative, technological, and social skills necessary to work and to participate in our democratic society. Highly qualified educators who motivate and support students in achieving the high standards of literacy and numeracy as described in the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks will staff our schools. Teachers, administrators, and parents will collaborate to ensure the effectiveness of learning experiences that are differentiated to meet a variety of student learning styles, needs, and interests. All members of the school community will focus on achieving academic excellence through curricula that promote inquiry and stimulate curiosity and the foundation for lifelong learning.

La visión de cada una de las Escuelas Públicas de Fitchburg es proporcionar experiencias de aprendizaje que involucren a todos los estudiantes en el logro de altos estándares académicos mientras desarrollan el rigor intelectual, el interés creativo y las características sociales que los preparan para los desafíos de vivir exitosa y productivamente como ciudadanos de este nuevo siglo.

Nuestra misión es proporcionar experiencias curriculares y extracurriculares coordinadas que inspiren a los estudiantes a desarrollar sus habilidades académicas, intelectuales, creativas, tecnológicas y sociales necesarias para trabajar y participar en nuestra sociedad democrática. Nuestras escuelas contarán con educadores altamente cualificados que motiven y ayuden a los alumnos a alcanzar los altos niveles de alfabetización y aritmética descritos en el Marco Curricular de Massachusetts. Los maestros, administradores y padres colaborarán para garantizar la eficacia de las experiencias de aprendizaje que se diferencian para satisfacer una variedad de estilos de aprendizaje, necesidades e intereses de los estudiantes. Todos los miembros de la comunidad escolar se centrarán en lograr la excelencia académica a través de planes de estudio que promuevan la investigación y estimulen la curiosidad y la base para el aprendizaje permanente.


FY 25 - Final Budget Book .pdf
FY 25 Budget.pdf


Safety Letter - English.pdf
Safety Letter - Spanish.pdf
Safety Letter - Portuguese.pdf

2022 - 2025 STRATEGIC PLAN


Fitchburg Public Schools 2022-2025 Strategic Plan_ All Means All - JT.pdf
FPS Security - Safety Strategies 4-3-23.pdf


Fitchburg Public Schools Inclusivity Appraisal.pdf

Inclusivity Audit Presentation to the School Committee by Dr. Akuoma Nwadike of Inclusivity Education. 

Dr. Nwadike is a scholar and researcher-practitioner dedicated to social justice in all spaces - especially in K-12 and postsecondary education - through increasing equity and access.

After completing two master’s degrees in education (and M.A. and an M.S.), she concluded her formal education with a Ph.D. in Learning, Leadership, and Educational Policy from the University of Connecticut. She continues to actualize her researcher-to-practitioner analytical and instructional skills.

Dr. Nwadike uses research-based best practices and originally designed frameworks and evaluative models to advocate for, design, implement, and measure culturally and systemically relevant, responsive, and sustainable programming that centers the needs of Black and brown people, predominantly those from underserved communities. Her expertise in research, mixed methods data analysis, and program development and measurement inspired her to adapt one of the many validated theories she studied into a practical way of operationalizing equity work. She then integrated research and data analysis from multiple scholarly sources to design a way to holistically and progressively measure equity in any ecosystem. These designs culminated in the founding of Inclusivity Education, with the Inclusivity Education Model at the center.

- November 2, 2020