IUU Fishing Index Scoring Form

IUU Fishing Index Technical Paper

The IUU Fishing Index is one of the three components of the Philippine IUU Fishing Index and Threat Assessment Tool. It assesses the risk of an area to IUU fishing occurrence and persistence - in the case of fisheries and IUU fishing, this risk is in terms of the possibility of IUU fishing harming the fisheries (people and fish) and destabilizing efforts to sustain the fisheries in the area of interest. The IUU Fishing Index provides a standardized scoring system for comparing the prevalence, vulnerability, and responses to IUU fishing across different areas in the Philippines.

IUU Fishing Index Scoring Form

The IUU Fishing Index Scoring Form is for the use of participants of the IUU Fishing Assessment Workshop. It should only be filled in after going through a participatory and facilitated IUU fishing assessment.