

If you are absent from school, your parents must inform the office each day you are away by phone: Grade 6 – 12 please call - 06171-2024-463 or attendance@fis.edu.

When you have been absent, you must bring in a written explanation from your parents to your homeroom teacher the first day you come back to school.

Late Arrival – “sign-in”

If you arrive in school after homeroom, which is after 8:45, you must sign the “Late Sign-In” list in the 3rd floor Upper School office (369) before going to your first lesson, giving a brief reason for your late arrival.

Early Departure – pink sign-out slip

If you need to leave school early, you must give a note from your parents or other official notification such as a doctor’s or dentist’s appointment card, to the 3rd floor Upper School office. If you are unwell during the day, you must go to the nurse’s office and she will decide whether you need to go home. You must then sign the “Early Leaving Sign Out” sheet in the 3rd floor Upper School office AND fill in the pink early leaving slip that will be signed by Mr Cowan. Security staff will not let students leave early without a signed pink slip even if parents are there to collect their child.

Please see the table below for Attendance Responsibilities

Absence Table