Intention in Spiritual Practice

Make a ritual of lighting your chalice at home each week. 

Journaling, A Spiritual Practice

Make a journal, use the journal church sent you, or find a notebook to use as a journal. 

Use your journal to record things that give you a sense of wonder or a feeling of mystery. Maybe draw a beautiful sunset or a picture of something you see in nature. Write down your questions. Record your answers or the answers other people give you. Write about something that inspires wonder for you. 

Or use your journal as a Nature Journal like Henry David Thoreau.

Spend time outside. Maybe sit in one place. Maybe go for a walk.

Record what you see, hear, feel, smell, and experience. 

Do you see any animals or animal tracks? Draw them?

Do you see any plants? Describe or draw them. Note the date. How do they change over time?

Use your journal as an Intention Journal. 

Each day or week do something with intention. Record what you did and what you felt, saw, heard, tasted, smelled, anything you notice.

Being Outside in Nature is a Spiritual Practice!

Go outside, even during the winter. Breathe deeply. How is the air different in winter? What do you see, feel, hear, taste? 

Try a Hot Chocolate Meditation after you come in from the cold or anytime.