Learn about Ourselves, Others & Mystery

Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote the acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;

Yellow: Learn about Ourselves, Others, and Mystery (Flame)

Chalice Ritual: Third Principle  Make lighting your chalice a part of your life every week!


Read a reflection on our 3rd Principle from the Rev. Rob Hardies on the UUA website. 

Activities for Throughout the Week

Exploring Spiritual Practices - print out the handout and then follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.

Watch the video above, Be a Mr. Jensen


For all

How does Mr. Jensen demonstrate our 3rd Principle? 

Can you think of a time when someone helped you find your talent or gift? Can you think of a time when someone accepted you for who you are? A time when you accepted someone for who they are?


For middle- and high school youth

The video of Mr. Jensen illustrates what it means to really accept and encourage another person. Lots of other people had responded to the boy in ways that weren’t accepting or encouraging. Mr. Jensen’s response made a big difference in the his life. 

Some of us get in trouble a lot. We get a lot of negative feedback from teachers, or from other kids, or maybe from both. And all of us get negative feedback sometimes, from teachers, or from other kids, or both. In your journal or on a piece of paper, take a couple of minutes to write down one or two things that you’ve gotten in trouble for more than once. Most of us have certain behaviors that we tend to get negative feedback on, that come up repeatedly. Write down, also, how you feel about how people respond to you when you behave that way. 

Do you have a trusted friend or family member you could talk with about your feelings? If so, consider showing them this video and then sharing your own story. If not, consider reaching out for support from a minister or staff person at church or at school. Email them a link to this video and let them know you'd like to talk. You deserve a Mr. Jensen, too. 

Choose some Stories to Share There are many children's stories and wisdom tales that show that when we accept and encourage one another, we grow brighter and wiser. Below are a few for families. After sharing the story, discuss how the story demonstrates our third principle.

Mussa and Nagib 

A Lamp in Every Corner

For high school youth and adults

Watch The Water of Community - begin at 9:52

After watching The Water of Community consider:

For parents and caregivers:

from A Pocketful of Principles by Lauren Wyeth