Flaming Chalice

The chalice is our Unitarian Universalist symbol. We have a chalice in our sanctuary. When we meet as a group we often light a chalice. Many Unitarian Universalists wear chalice jewelry. Our children receive a chalice pin after their Age of Reason rite of passage, a chalice pendant after their Coming of Age rite of passage, and a chalice to take with them as they Bridge from being a Youth to a Young Adult.

Many Unitarian Universalists also have a chalice at home which they light. Here are some chalice lighting words you can use at home when lighting a chalice. Below is a chalice Ritual you can do as a family.

Chalice Ritual

Make a ritual of lighting your chalice at home each week.

Flame of Learning, Chalice of Light chalice ritual.

Watch the video of Catherine telling the story Flame of Learning, Chalice of Love by Janeen K Grohsmeyer.


The Chalice is a symbol of Unitarian Universalism.  Having a chalice in your home provides an opportunity for you and your family to create ritual together. Maybe lighting a chalice will be a daily ritual. It is something your family can try once a week. Or you may choose to light a chalice on special occasions such as birthdays or holidays. Learn more about Chalices for Your Home.