Acts of Kindness

Chalice Ritual: Acts of Kindness

Make a ritual of lighting your chalice every week!

Share this song: Make a Wave

Watch this video:  "Color Your World With Kindness”  (Also included as an option to watch in the Chalice Ritual.)

As a Family

Keep track of all the acts of kindness you do over a week or two, or over the course of a day. Try to notice the acts of kindness others provide for you. If you like, have each person in your family draw hearts on a piece of paper each time they perform and act of kindness. Maybe using a different color, you can also draw a heart for acts of kindness you receive. 

Send Catherine a text or email letting her know about your acts of kindness. If your child likes, have them draw a picture or create a piece of art showing them giving or receiving an Act of Kindness and share it with Catherine at