Higgins & Native Habitats


Watch Catherine Williamson share the story: Higgins A Drop with a Dream

Rainstorm: Make a Rainstorm at home!

From Deep Fun https://www.uua.org/youth/library/deepfun/bond-building

Sit in a circle or around a table or gather in some other area. Explain that you are going to start a repetitive motion and that it will travel around the circle until it comes back to you, at which point you will start another motion. Tell the members not to change what they are doing until the person on their left has changed.

The order of the motions is:

rubbing hands together

rubbing hands on thighs

snapping fingers

clapping hands

stomping feet and clapping hands

Once you reach #5, repeat the motions in descending order.

The last motion to be passed around is stillness and silence. 

Unitarian Universalists respect the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Just like Higgins wanted to help the plants where he lived, we want to help our environment and the natural habitats in our area. 

Use this Checklist to see if your yard or an area near your home is a Wildlife Habitat.

Are there things you can do to make your area more wildlife friendly?