Guest at Your Table

Make a ritual of lighting your chalice every week.

From the UU Service Committee

Guest at Your Table Theme: Now is the Time for Courageous Change

The injustices and crises of the past year have underscored the importance of our shared goal – a world free from oppression, where all can realize their full human rights. They also have emphasized just how big a task that is.

To meet the enormous challenges of today and build a more just future, we need big ideas and bold change. We must fundamentally transform the way things are, so that we do not perpetuate systemic inequities and repeat the harms of the past.

Learn About Guest at Your Table and the UUSC:

What is Guest at Your Table? - Video

What Are Human Rights? - Video

This Year's Guests:

Collection Boxes for Guest at Your Table

Creating a container for Guest at Your Table is something a child may enjoy doing as they watch the worship service.

Other ways to create a Guest at Your Table container:


Read about How to Talk to Kids About Human Rights