College App FAQs
FHC Frequently Asked Questions
The information provided below includes the most frequently asked questions in the college application process. Please review this information. If you have other questions, direct them to your counselor and we will update the list.
General Central High Information:
Forest Hills Central High School
5901 Hall Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
School Phone - 616.493.8700
Counseling Office Phone - 616.493.8711
Counseling Office Fax - 616.493.8714
Counselor Information:
Mrs. Jodi K. Arsulowicz -
Mrs. Angelina Coulson -
Ms. Sarah G. Van’t Hof -
Ms. Victoria Velding -
Common Questions & Concerns:
School Code/ACT Code/CEEB Code - 231708
2024 Class Size - 283 (as of August 8, 2023)
2024 Graduation Date - May 13, 2024
Class Rank - Select “None” or “N/A” – we do not rank
Cumulative GPA:
This information can be found in PowerSchool or Naviance.
To find the information in PowerSchool:
PowerSchool App : on the dashboard
Powerschool Desktop : under quick look up
To find the information in Naviance, following these directions:
Login to Naviance at
Click on About Me tab
Click on My Account
Look under the Academic Section for GPA
Use the Weighted GPA – this information is accurate as of the end of the previous semester.
GPA Calculation & Weight - 4.0 scale; Weighted - Yes if taken any AP courses
We submit a School Profile to each admissions office. They will get details on how FHPS weights the GPA from that document.
Some colleges are now requesting this Unique Identifier Code. It is not required, you may submit without including it. This information can be found in Naviance by following these directions:
Click on About Me tab
Click on My Account
Look in the Personal Section
Use the State ID Number
To View Your Full Senior Schedule
Login to PowerSchool
Select My Schedule
Choose Matrix View and it should display the full schedule for this school year.
Class and Subject Codes or Numbers
Some colleges are now requesting this information in addition to a student's schedule. It is not required, you may submit without including it. If you wish to include this information, you may find it in the Course Description Guide found here.
Early Action/Decision
These options can be very confusing. Please refer these questions directly to the college/university admissions office. They know how their program works and will be happy to help you decide.
Disciplinary Actions
The counselors select, “School policy prevents me from responding” on their portion of the application/school report. However, we believe the student has a responsibility to report suspensions on their portion and possibly include a letter that explains discipline and what you learned from it.
Grand Rapids Community College Application
You will be asked to identify your high school for the GRCC application. When prompted, search for Forest Hills with the city of Grand Rapids. Select Forest Hills Cent High School as your school.
FAFSA High School Selection
During the FAFSA, you will be asked to indicate your high school. If you search for Central High School in Grand Rapids, Michigan, you will receive more than one option with no way of deciphering which to select.
Here is what FAFSA instructed us to tell our students. When completing the form, you will encounter the following questions:
What is the name of your high school? Type Forest Hills Central High School
In what city is your high school located? Type Grand Rapids
In what state is your high school located? Select Michigan
DO NOT select the CONFIRM button, simply select NEXT and the form will populate with the information you entered.
This will not impact the results of your FAFSA.
Sending SAT or ACT Scores
It is the responsibility of the student to have the ACT Company or CollegeBoard (SAT) send their score(s) to the appropriate college, university, NCAA, scholarship committee, or agency.
Detailed instructions can be found on the College Application Process page here.