Resources for Parents & Guardians
Recursos para Padres y Guardianes
Resources to Help You Connect with Your Child
Studies have shown that children have greater academic achievement when their parents are involved in their education. Parental involvement is critical to helping a child be a successful student.
There are many resources that cover a wide array of social, emotional, or behavioral issues in young children's lives. Reading books to your children on some of these topics can be a great way to start a conversation with your child about problems that need to be addressed.
Please look through the different tabs under "Resources for Parents/Guardians" to find helpful children's books and parent articles on various topics.
Additional resources will continue to be added
Recursos para Ayudarlo a Conectarse con su Hijo
Los estudios han demostrado que los niños tienen un mayor rendimiento académico cuando sus padres participan en su educación. La participación de los padres es fundamental para ayudar a un niño a ser un estudiante exitoso.
Hay muchos recursos que cubren una amplia gama de problemas sociales, emocionales o de comportamiento en la vida de los niños pequeños. Leer libros a sus hijos sobre algunos de estos temas puede ser una excelente manera de comenzar una conversación con su hijo sobre los problemas que deben abordarse.
Consulte las diferentes pestañas en "Recursos para padres / tutores" para encontrar libros útiles para niños y artículos para padres sobre diversos temas.
Se seguirán agregando recursos adicionales
Resources for Parents & Guardians/ Recursos para Padres y Guardianes
Bullying Awareness / Concienciación sobre el acoso
Mental Health Resources / Servicios de salud mental
Community Resources / Recursos de la comunidad
LA Food Bank (link)
Healthy City (link)
This includes food assistance (CalFresh) formerly food stamps,cash aid (CalWORKs, General Assistance, Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants), and affordable health insurance (Medi-Cal) /Esto incluye asistencia alimentaria (CalFresh), conocida anteriormente como cupones para alimentos, ayuda en efectivo (CalWORKs, Ayuda General, Programa de Asistencia en Efectivo para Inmigrantes) y seguro médico a bajo precio (Medi-Cal).
Free Local and Online Support Groups / Grupos de apoyo locales y en línea gratuitos:
Coping with COVID-19 / Afrontamiento con COVID-19
Coping with COVID-19 / Afrontamiento con COVID-19 (link)
Immigration Engagement Resources
Online Safety for Families and Kids / Seguridad en las Redes Para Familias y Niños
Parenting Guides / Guías para la crianza
CASEL’s Top 10 Books for Parents:
Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen - In this easy to read guide, Jane Nelsen coaches parents and teachers to be firm and kind so that any child from toddler to teenager can learn creative cooperation and self-discipline with no loss of dignity.
Positive Discipline for Preschoolers: For their Early Years – Raising Children Who are Responsible, Respectful, and Resourceful by Jane Nelsen, H. Stephen Glenn, Lynn Lott - Written as a quick reference guide, this book will teach you methods for raising a preschool-age child who is responsible, respectful, and resourceful by finding practical solutions to parenting challenges such as bedtime hassles, school problems, whining, and so much more.
Making Grateful Kids: A Scientific Approach to Help Youth Thrive by Jeffrey Froh, Giacomo Bono - Jeffrey J. Froh and Giacomo Bono introduce their most compelling research, announce groundbreaking findings, and share real-life stories from adults and youth to show parents, teachers, mentors, and kids how to achieve greater life satisfaction through gratitude. They offer many simple strategies for building habits of gratitude into day-to-day life and provide compelling evidence for its importance.
Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes by William Bridges - William Bridges spent his life working to understand changes. Whether you are going through the birth of a new baby, a move, a job change, or the death of a loved one, this book explains in simple yet brilliant terms how any person can understand the emotions they are undergoing, help ease the transition, and launch a new life.
Yardsticks: Children in the Classroom Ages 4-14 by Chip Wood - This comprehensive, user-friendly reference helps those who work with and love children use the knowledge of child development to shape classrooms and schools where all children can succeed by giving charts on development traits; physical, social, language, and cognitive growth patterns; and suggestions for curricular areas. Though the text is geared for educators, it remains an exceptional resource for parents who want to understand each age and stage of development.
Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain: An Inside-Out Guide to the Emerging Adolescent Mind, Ages 12-24 by Daniel J. Siegel - Dr. Siegel is a leading expert in brain science. This book sheds light on the often misunderstood yet critical time in a child’s life in which they straddle childhood and adulthood but don’t fit squarely in either phase. Siegel characterizes the teen years as the most powerful life phase for activating courage, purpose, and creativity. He creates empathy for the teenage experience and helps parents understand how to work with and support the teens in their lives.
Parenting without Power Struggles: Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids While Staying Cool, Calm, and Connected by Susan Stiffelman - Stiffelman shows you how to awake your child’s natural instincts to cooperate by being the confident parent your child needs, teaching you how to parent from a place of strong, durable connection, and helping your child navigate the challenging moments of growing up. This is an excellent resource for any parents but particularly for those who find themselves in power struggles with their children.
The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind by Daniel J. Seigel - This book simplifies brain science to assist parents in teaching children about how their mind works and how they can practice emotional awareness and self-management.
Smart Parents: Parenting for Powerful Learning by Bonnie Lathram, Carri Schneider, and Tom Vander Ark - Packed with helpful guidance from more than 60 parents who are also experts in learning and/or education, this book will support Moms and Dads who recognize learning as core to their purpose. It prepares parents for powerful and significant contributions to our children’s learning with practical tips that can be used immediately.
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish - This book provides specific language and numerous examples of parent interactions to enhance parents’ communication and listening skills in a variety of challenging situations. It has the potential to create deeper connections and trust as parents use the new skills with their children.
Helpful Websites:
TODAY Show (link)
Listening from the Heart (link)
Parenting Cue Cards (link)
Conscious Discipline (link)
Confident Parents, Confident Kids (blog)
HandyHandouts: free informational handouts for educators, parents, and students
Self-Care / El cuidado de sí mismo
Why Self-Care Is Essential to Parenting (English) / Por qué el autocuidado es fundamental para la crianza (Español)
A Parent’s Guide to Self-Care (English) / Guía para un Padre Cuidarse a si Mismo (autocuidado) (Español)
Self-Care Tips for Busy Parents (English) / Consejos de cuidado personal para padres ocupados (Español)
School Success Skills/ Habilidades de éxito escolar
Social Emotional Learning / Aprendizaje Social y Emocional (SEL)
Social Emotional Learning
The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project (English) / El proyecto Mentes sanas, niños exitosos de California (Español)
Make Social & Emotional Learning Stick (website)
TLC Films: Peter H. Reynolds, accomplished writer, storyteller and illustrator, founded FableVision as a social change agency to help move the world to a better place by creating "stories that matter, stories that move."
Edutopia: A Parent’s Resource Guide to Social and Emotional Learning (website)
Bullying Prevention
The Anti-Bullying Guidebook (link)
Coping Skills
How to Help Children Calm Down (English) / Cómo ayudar a los niños a calmarse (Español)
Coping Skills for Kids (link)
Growth Mindset
Zones of Regulation
What are the Zones of Regulation? (video)
Students and Families Experiencing Homelessness / Estudiantes y familias sin hogar
Homeless Youth Education Program (English) / Programa de Educación para Jóvenes Sin Hogar (Español)
Housing Rights Center / Servicios del centro de derechos:
LA County Homeless Outreach Portal (link)
LA County Office of Education - Homeless Education (link)
California Department of Education - Homeless Education (link)
BenefitsCal - This includes food assistance (CalFresh) formerly food stamps,cash aid (CalWORKs, General Assistance, Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants), and affordable health insurance (Medi-Cal) / Esto incluye asistencia alimentaria (CalFresh), conocida anteriormente como cupones para alimentos, ayuda en efectivo (CalWORKs, Ayuda General, Programa de Asistencia en Efectivo para Inmigrantes) y seguro médico a bajo precio (Medi-Cal).
LA Food Bank (link)
Healthy City (link)
Northeast Resource Guide / Guía de recursos del noreste (link)
Safe Parking LA (link)
The WIN App (link)
Introduction to the WIN App (video)
Homeless Liaison Contact Information/ Información del enlace para personas sin hogar:
Your FCPS School Counselor / Tus Consejera de FPCS (link)
Trauma and Grief / Trauma y duelo
Kids and Trauma / Información básica sobre trauma en niños
Helping Children Cope After a Traumatic Event (guide) / Cómo ayudar a los niños a lidiar con un evento traumático (guía)
Signs of Trauma in Children (English) / Señales de trauma en niños (Español)
Quick Guide to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Guía rápida sobre el trastorno de estrés postraumático [TEPT ("PTSD", por sus siglas en inglés)]
Talking to Kids About Racism and Violence (English) / Maneras de hablar sobre el racismo y la violencia con los niños (Español)
Children and Grief / Duelo en niños
Helping Children Cope With Grief (English) / Cómo ayudar a los niños a enfrentar el duelo (Español)
After a loved one dies—How children grieve and how parents and other adults can support them (English) / Después que muere un ser querido—Cómo enfrentan el duelo los niños y cómo sus padres y otros adultos los pueden apoyar (Español)
Eight Ways to Help Your Grieving Child (English) / Ocho Maneras de Ayudar a su Niño Afligido (Español)
Responding to Change and Loss / Respondiendo al cambio y pérdida
Sesame Street in Communities: Helping Kids Grieve / Sesame Street en las Comunidades: Apoyo en la afflicción
I Will Always Love You - Children's Book About Death and Grieving (Video)
Kai's Journey: A book series about grief, strength, and love (website)
Traumatic Grief / Duelo traumático
Childhood Traumatic Grief: Information for Parents and Caregivers / Breve Información Sobre el Duelo Traumático Infantil
Helping Teens with Traumatic Grief: Tips for Caregivers / Ayuda para los adolescentes con duelo traumático: consejos para los cuidadores
Ready to Remember: Jeremy's Journey of Hope and Healing (book) (video) / Listo para Recordar: El Viaje de esperanza y recuperación de Jaime (libro) (vídeo)
Rosie Remembers Mommy: Forever in Her Heart (book) (video)/ Rosie Recuerda a Mamá: Siempre en su corazón (libro) (vídeo)
Childhood Traumatic Grief Resources for Military Children and Families
Childhood Traumatic Grief
Our House, Grief Support Center
SAMHSA: Grief Publications
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work, National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement
Resources for Families / Recursos Para Familias
American Red Cross Virtual Family Assistance Center / Centro de Asistencia Familiar Virtual
OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center / Programa satélite en español
OUR HOUSE Grief Support Center Services Inquiry Form / Para más información acerca de los grupos de apoyo al duelo en español, Comuníquese con OUR HOUSE
OUR HOUSE Children & Teen Book List
OUR HOUSE: Grief Support Resources for Every Griever / Literatura en español
Personalized support for California families. Kids ages 0–12 get free, expert coaching for sleep issues, worry, social skills, and more. Live, 1:1 video sessions, secure chat, on-demand content, and more. Sign Up For Free
Apoyo personalizado para familias de California. Los niños de 0 a 12 años reciben coaching gratuito de expertos para problemas de sueño, preocupaciones, habilidades sociales y más. Sesiones de video en vivo, individuales, chat seguro, contenido bajo demanda y más. Inscríbete gratis