
Research Team

Susana Coentro

Principal Investigator

Conservation Scientist at the Research Unit VICARTE – Glass and Ceramic for the Arts – on the Technical Art History and Archaeometry of glazed ceramics.

Márcia Vilarigues

co-Principal Investigator

Conservation Scientist and Head of the Department of Conservation and Restoration at FCT NOVA; Director of the Research Unit VICARTE – Glass and Ceramic for the Arts. 

Alexandre Nobre Pais

Art Historian and Director of the National Tile Museum, in Lisbon.

Andreia Ruivo

Chemist and specialist in glass synthesis; Vice-director of the Research Unit VICARTE – Glass and Ceramic for the Arts.

Carla Machado

Research Fellow

Conservation Scientist and Research Fellow at VICARTE (R&D Unit Glass and Ceramics for the Arts).

Fernanda Carvalho

Research Fellow

PhD candidate at the Department of Materials Science (FCT NOVA); Research Fellow at VICARTE (R&D Unit Glass and Ceramics for the Arts).

João Pedro Veiga

Associate Professor at NOVA SST; Researcher and Responsible for the Structural Materials Group at CENIMAT.

Lurdes Esteves

Conservator-Restorer and Researcher at the National Tile Museum, in Lisbon.

Mario Bandiera

Conservation Scientist and collaborator at L’Opificio delle Pietre Dure, in Florence. ChromAz Research Fellow between April 2022 and March 2023. 

Marta Manso

Researcher at LIBPhys and VICARTE (Glass and Ceramics for the Arts); Invited assistant professor at the Department of Art and Heritage Sciences, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon. 

Rosário Salema de Carvalho

Researcher and executive coordinator of Az – Rede de Investigação em Azulejo [Az – Azulejo Research Network] from ARTIS – Instituto de História da Arte, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa. 

Stefanie Bauvois

Conservator-Restorer; Head of the Ceramics Conservation Department and Researcher for the Arches research group at the University of Antwerp, Antwerpen (UA).

Trinitat Pradell

Full Professor in Applied Physics and member of the Grup de Caracterització de Materials (GCM) at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (BarcelonaTech). 

Umberto Veronesi

Research Fellow

Archaeologist and Heritage Scientist specialised in the study of pre-modern technologies. Research Fellow at VICARTE (R&D Unit Glass and Ceramics for the Arts).


João Manuel Mimoso

Coordinating Researcher at the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering – LNEC (Lisbon, Portugal); Founder and coordinator of the research line on Azulejos at LNEC. 

Sven Dupré

Director of the Research Institute for History and Art History, and Professor of History of Art, Science and Technology at Utrecht University and the University of Amsterdam; PI of the ERC-funded ARTECHNE project ‘Technique in the Arts: Concepts, Practices, Expertise, 1500-1950’ (2015-2021). 


Inês Feliciano

Victor Lancrenon

Bachelor's student at Chimie ParisTech and research intern at VICARTE between April and July 2022.

Margarida Martins

Camille Perez

Bachelor's student at Chimie ParisTech and research intern at VICARTE between April and July 2023.

Ema Figueiredo

Master’s student at the Department of Conservation and Restoration at FCT NOVA and intern at the National Tile Museum between September 2021 and July 2022.