Mentor Expectations

What is expected of a mentor teacher?

In short, mentor teachers are expected to provide opportunities for the interns to grow, to take chances, and to be challenged, to guide the intern in the planning, preparation, and teaching/assessing of content ( in whole group and small group settings), and to welcome the intern's participation in as many aspects of a teacher's daily experience as possible, including conferences, meetings, and field trips.  Everything is a valuable teaching moment for the interns, so please share your world with them. 

A Mentor Teacher From New Market Elementary

A Mentor Teacher From Waverly Elementary

A Mentor Teacher From Carroll Manor Elementary

A Mentor Teacher From Monocacy Middle

By agreeing to be a mentor, you are accepting the responsibilities that come with this role. Please be certain to complete the required assignments and assessments on time, and please maintain consistent communication with your intern and the Site Coordinator so that we can all work together to maintain our high-quality program. Mentors, if eligible, can receive 3 MSDE credits hosting an intern. Thank you for welcoming an intern into your classroom.  We look forward to your mentorship!