Fun stuff !

A Letter to YOU from a Former CLES Cardinal!

By: Erin Eisele

To all you fifth graders at Crabapple I want you to know about the new Booth and what about it. As you probably know that Booth was rebuilt and definitely for the better. I'm a sixth grader and my brother said that the old Booth was really hard to figure out. In the new Booth it is super easy and most of my classes are close to each other. Also in the new Booth there are skylights to let light in. The gym is super huge and is very fun for P.E. In sixth grade you get recess only once a week. There are also two sections: A and B. I am on team B and you have to switch classes every 70 minutes. You get locker breaks every 140 minutes and at the beginning of the day. In the morning you can play basketball half court. Every Friday you get to sit wherever you want on your team. Like Cardinal Cash they have Booth Bucks which can gain prizes. Booth is very fun and I love middle school. I think you will, too. 


New Year's Disaster

by: Joseph Antoniolli


A Cardinal in Winter

by: Roman Kearns 

Happy New Year!

by: Nora Huff


White Chicken Chili

by: Sophia Albritton


How to make:

How to Make Cranberry Nut Bread

 By: Genevieve Reiners

Do you have left over Cranberry from your holiday fest? If you do, this is an excellent way to eat them!

First, you mix together the dry ingredients:

2 cups flour

1 cup sugar

1 ½ teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon baking soda

Then you add the following, mixing well:

¾ cup orange juice

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1 egg

Finally, fold in:

1 ½ cups chopped cranberries

½ cup chopped walnuts

Bake in a greased 9 x 5 loaf pan at 350 degrees for about 55 minutes or until it passes the toothpick test.

Fun Winter Activities- Board Games

Family Winter Crafts

 How to Make a Heart Shaped Valentine’s Box 

By: Genevieve Reiner

Things you need:

Step 1. Draw a heart on the box and cut it out.

Step 2. Trace the heart you cut out onto the cardboard box then cut another heart.

Step 3. Draw a rectangle about 2 inches wide and the length of the flat part of the heart onto the cardboard box. Cut it out.

Step 4.Trace the rectangle onto the box and cut out another rectangle.

Step 5. Once you are done paint them all including the top of a shoe box. 

Step 6. Get an adult because we are going to hot glue! First, you are going to glue the heart to one of the rectangles. Then, glue the rectangle to the same heart. Finally, glue the heart to the sides.

Step 7. Add the decorations if needed.

Step 8. Cut a rectangle in the middle of the top of the shoe box to fit the heart. You are done! You can put the candy in the heart and the shoe box top.

         ***CAUTION FRAGILE***

 Dog Valentine Box     

By:  Sophia Albritton       

Supplies needed:

What to do with the supplies: 

Putting it together:

You are done, and I hope you enjoyed it!!


Sandy creek high school wins the championship

by: Ava Idowu

Sandy Creek high school wins championship game!

The Fayette county town of Tyrone celebrated a big parade on january 7th 2023. Sandy Creek high school won the state championships on december 10th 2022 against cedar grove high school.The parade included bouncy houses, food trucks and a DJ. I bet it was amazing if you went you would have a great time!