Letter about the transition away from EasyTithe to Tithe.ly

Dear FBC Family, 

Thank you for your regular gifts to FBC Bicknell on our online giving platform.  

We are thankful that our congregation is faithful to give toward the mission and vision of the church.  

We write to you today to announce that we will be transitioning our service provider from EasyTithe.com to Tithe.ly. Over the past few years, EasyTithe has changed their business model and have continued to increase their fees for services. Those fees now include:

All these fees add up to a lot of money that can no longer be used for ministry. 

With Tithe.ly they only change 

This change will save the church over $700 per year in fees alone. You can see why we need to make this change to honor our core value of stewardship.  

We need your help to make this change.  

If you don't have a scheduled gift set up, all you have to do is go to 

Givetofbcbicknell.org and set up a new account with Tithe.ly.  We also have links on that page for their mobile apps.  

If you have a recurring scheduled gift, you will need to cancel your current gift before you set up your new account. 

 Go to https://app.easytithe.com/App/Giving/firspob185t7 

recurring gift

and schedule your recurring gift. 

All the links are available at givetofbcbicknell.org and we appreciate the time you take in switching your giving. 

If you need more assistance, please reach out to Pastor Seth and he can assist you. 

Thank you again for your continued support of FBC Bicknell. We know the Lord will continue to make His provisions known for generations to come. 

In Christ,

Seth Alexander, Pastor

Thomas Estabrook, Treasurer