Savvas EasyBridge/Realize Product Management and Setup
Access via Google Waffle OR Canvas (if integrating with Canvas)
Teachers and staff NOT attached to a section/class:
In order to access content only (not to be used with a class roster):
Add products to a Realize account
Remove products from a Realize account
Grade levels 6-12, if integrating Realize with Canvas:
Integrating Savvas with Canvas presentation and also Savvas Support on integrating Savvas with Canvas
(NOTE: exception to these steps - sign in to Canvas from the Google waffle/apps list)
Grade levels K-5: If integrating Realize with Google Classroom: Integrate Realize with Google Classroom
All grades: If NOT integrating with Canvas or Google Classroom:
Add Products to Classes in EasyBridge (e.g. enVision content or assessment product):
Savvas enVision Math products to math classes
Savvas myWorld Social Studies products to social studies classes
Savvas myPerspectives ELA products to English/LA classes
Remove Products from Classes in EasyBridge
Caution: Removing a curriculum product from the class has permanent effects that cannot be fully reverted. Unchecking the curriculum product association will remove the course subscription from the class on the learning platform and cannot be undone.
Trouble accessing?
Click for solutions if you receive this error: "It looks like your account isn't configured properly"
For support on issues accessing the platform, products or content, please submit a help ticket. Incident IQ | Login