4th grade Standards Updates
Session Resources
4th grade Fractions & Decimals PD Jan. 5th, 2022
Here is a link to a google folder with materials for teaching fractions & decimals: 4th Grade Fractions Decimals PD Google Folder link
Here are some of the links individually:
In case you missed the session, or want to watch again: 4th grade Fractions Decimals PD recording link
Here are the slides from the session: 4th Grade Fractions Decimals PD Google Slides link (feel free to copy and use any slides)
July 2021 Ready for the New School Year 4th Grade Math Standards Update
Link to the google slides from the session (check out all the embedded links as well):
Link to the online Zoom session from July 28th in case you missed it or want to re-watch a particular
part (email me if you need PD credit):
4th grade 2021-2022 Pacing Guide:
Grade 4 Number Routines from Howard County: https://hcpss.instructure.com/courses/107/pages/routines
Theresa Wills virtual Number Routines: https://www.theresawills.com/math-routines
Articles on Equity in Math class:
Articles on SEL in Math class:
Article about Unfinished Learning:
TNTP The Opportunity Myth - 4 Resources all kids need to learn at high levels: https://opportunitymyth.tntp.org/different-resources-different-results
July 2020 4th Grade Math Standards ReSet & Updates Session