Online / Virtual
Are you still creating your own assignments for online and in-person? Check out this video for how you can easily embed envision practice buddy, quick checks even the solve & share, visual learning and Another Look video into your Google Classroom. Your kids do NOT have to log in twice. They can do envision assignments right from your google classroom: Linking envision assignments to Google Classroom Thanks Lindsey Bell Morris from Garrett Morgan for sharing in this video how she uses envision with Google Classroom everyday.
Below are links that should walk you through how to connect envision with google classroom. If you have trouble understanding anything we can set up a zoom session to walk though it together:
Check out this video for students, explaining how to access your google waffle, EasyBridge, Realize, and walks through an online Practice Buddy problem in enVision. It’s just me talking through the steps, but many requested this so I hope it helps. Please share with your students as needed…..
What's most important to master this year???
4th grade Priority Content and Prerequisites from Student Achievement Partners/CCSSO:
Two Options for PreAssessment of Prerequisite Skills:
"Review What You Know" Prerequisite Skills Quiz from enVision on Google Forms to Use with your students you should be able to save a copy to your google drive then post in your google classroom for students to take (grades the quiz for you and gives students immediate results with feedback):
Topic 1:
Topic 2:
Topic 3:
Topic 4:
Topic 5:
Topic 6:
Topic 7:
Topic 8:
Topic 9:
Topic 10:
Topic 11:
Topic 12:
Topic 13:
Topic 14:
Topic 15:
Topic 16:
Pre-Assessment of Prerequisite Skills on the EasyBridge Platform can be found by following these directions; You can assign this just like anything else from enVision in EasyBridge and it will be graded for you.
There are 3 of these tests available, here is what they assess:
--For Topics 1-7 Includes add/subtract/multiply/divide equations, number line, arrays, rounding, estimate, place valve to 1000s, properties, multiplication table, word problems, which number sentence makes this true (14 questions)- Now Available see directions above
--For Topics 8-12 Includes fractions, fractions on a number line, fraction visuals, word problems, money, estimates, graphs (12 questions)- Now Available see directions above
--For Topics 13-16 Includes area & perimeter problems, word problems with meters, grams, or feet, quadrilateral questions, money and time problems (10 questions)- Now Available see directions above
Vocabulary Card Sort for each enVision Topic on Google Slides (All Topics Included):
Use these online Vocabulary Card Sorts with remote or in-person students to preview, review or teach the vocabulary from each enVision topic:
4th grade Topic 1 enVision (place value)Vocabulary Card sort (preview to the right) click on the link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around.
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
4th grade Topic 2 enVision (add & subtract whole numbers) Vocabulary Card sort (preview to the right) click on the link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around.
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
4th grade Topics 3 & 4 enVision (multiply whole numbers) Vocabulary Card sort (preview to the right) click on the link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around.
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
4th grade Topics 4-6 (multiply and divide whole numbers and use to solve problems) enVision Vocabulary Card sort (preview to the right) click on the link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around.
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
4th grade Topic 7 (factors & multiples) enVision Vocabulary Card sort (preview to the right) click on the link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around.
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
4th grade Topics 8, 9 & 10 (fractions) enVision Vocabulary Card sort (preview to the right) click on the link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around.
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
**NEW**4th grade Topics 11, 12 & 14 (data, decimals, & patterns) enVision Vocabulary Card sort (preview to the right) click on the link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around.
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
**NEW**4th grade Topic 13 (measurement) enVision Vocabulary Card sort (preview to the right) click on the link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around.
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
**NEW**4th grade Topic 15 (angles) enVision Vocabulary Card sort (preview to the right) click on the link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around.
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
**NEW**4th grade Topic 16 (geometry) enVision Vocabulary Card sort (preview to the right) click on the link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around.
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
Formative Assessment Lesson Card Sorts on Google Slides:
Use these online Concept Card Sorts from KDE with remote or in-person students to preview, review or teach important content standards:
Review 3rd grade Multiplication Facts FAL card sort (preview to the right) click link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around:
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
3rd/4th Multiplication/Division Facts FAL card sort (preview to the right)click link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around:
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
4th grade Multi-Digit Multiplication card sort (preview to the right) click link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around:
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
4th grade Number Puzzle FAL (preview to the right) click link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around:
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
3rd/4th grade Representing Fractions on a Number Line KDE FAL (preview to the right) click link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around:
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
3rd, 4th, 5th grade Understanding Fractions FAL card sort(preview to the right) click link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around:
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
3rd, 4th, 5th grade Interpreting Fractions FAL card sort (preview to the right) click link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around:
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
**NEW** 4th grade Fraction Decimal Equivalencies FAL card sort (preview to the right) click link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around:
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
**NEW** 4th grade Shapes Angles Symmetry FAL (preview to the right) click link to save to your google drive and assign to your class so they can move the cards around:
Check out the preview on the right by clicking the the top righthand corner.
Virtual Math Manipulatives slide to copy to your drive:
Here are links to games for your kids to play:
Investigations Math Words and Ideas provides a clear, interactive review of different concepts. Many include an animation; all include a “Try It” activity. Investigations Math Words and Ideas
CHECK out KCM's RESOURCES FOR VIRTUAL MATH INSTRUCTION site with lots of google slides for active engagement (great for small groups in a virtual setting):
Check out this great website with google slide templates and lots of ideas for online teaching:
Great 4th grade resources from NC: 4th Grade Games from NC
4th grade Anchor Chart ideas: fourthgradeanchorcharts.pdf (
Check out this video from Genia Harrison, Glendover explaining how she uses Pear Deck with google slides to enhance her enVision math lessons
Here are slides from her presentation on using Pear Deck as well:
Click this link to experience Pear Deck slides from a student view:
How to Convert a PDF into an editable Worksheet using Google Slides
Check out an example here of 4th grade Lesson 5-1 Reteach pdf page in google slides:
AN Example of how to change the 4th grade enVision Center Games into Google Slides from Lesson 5-5:
Try out these Open Middle Google Slides with your students. Assign a different slide each day or each week for kids to try ahead of time, then discuss their strategies together....
Click here to download a copy of google slides with open middle problems with numbers tiles already made for your students to try :
Check out the preview below by clicking in the top righthand corner.
The name “Open Middle” might sound like a strange name for a website about math problems. However, it references a very specific type of problem we try to encourage here. Most of the problems on this site have:
- a “closed beginning” meaning that they all start with the same initial problem.
- a “closed end” meaning that they all end with the same answer.
- an “open middle” meaning that there are multiple ways to approach and ultimately solve the problem.
Try using jamboard for your online Solve and Share with your students here are a couple of 4th grade examples (you can find jamboard right in your google drive waffle):
Remote Learning Formative Assessment Digital Tools:
Danielson Group Remote Teaching Guide: