Kagan Cooperative Learning

Session Resources

Using Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategies with enVision for.pptx

Link to the online Zoom COOPERATIVE LEARNING session from July 29th in case you missed it or want to re-watch a particular part (email me if you need PD credit):

Link to the COOPERATIVE LEARNING PowerPoint google slides from the session (check out all the embedded links as well): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fTUrCDTcFynP9MMuM0EE_14qrD1LVsxF/view?usp=sharing


--Padlet (rallycoach)

--Desmos polygraph quadrilateral partner questioning activity: https://student.desmos.com/?prepopulateCode=daerjb

--Jamboard Post it paradise:

--Measure Breakout:

--Website to help design breakouts: Digital Breakouts


Link to the virtual manipulative slide (so cool):

Link to mentimeter: Get real-time input from remote teams and online students with live polls, quizzes, word clouds, Q&As and more

Link to Padlet: https://padlet.com/ type on the board at the same time in boxes or organized columns and more

Link to Jamboard – free online whiteboard that is in your waffle, insert pictures teaching tools, all students can write on it at once, use the post it feature: https://jamboard.google.com/

Link to desmos – free online activities and calculators, start at this link and learn about desmos classroom activities and check out the online PD: https://learn.desmos.com/

Link to KAS Kentucky Standards and resources:

Link to the new FCPS Navigator site. Be sure to subscribe to your grade level for updates:

--Desmos (sharing student work to discuss) Solve and Share example: