Jeanne Berkoski
Physical Education
Mission Statement
Physical Education is required for all students in grades K-12 under NY State law. Farmingdale Physical Educators create an environment that is safe, inclusive, and positive in order to promote high levels of success and learning for all students. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all students by providing a diverse learning environment where all students can improve and feel confident. The high-quality physical education program will give students the opportunity to be physically active, have a teamwork mindset, and make healthy connections between mind and body.
Physical Education is a vital part of the total education program. A child's health status is a major determination of his/her educational achievement. The healthy, physically active child is more likely to be academically motivated, alert, and successful in school and more likely to establish a healthy active lifestyle.
Focus of Instruction
Middle School
High School
New York State Teaching Standards for Physical Education
District-Wide Special Events
March 7, 2024 - District-wide 5th Grade Green & White Night FHS Gym, 6pm
Parents should use ParentSquare direct messages to email their child’s teacher.