Marissa Sciremammano

Mathematics K-12


Homework Help

Vision Statement 

“Striving to achieve mathematical literacy for all students by building mathematical knowledge and skills that extend far beyond basic calculation skills and embody deep conceptual understanding.” 

Mission Statement

Because we understand, "Every student can learn, just not on the same day, or the same way," we emphasize an inquiry-based approach to mathematics learning.  The K-8 experience has opportunities for students to visit the Math Inquiry Lab to take part in hands-on lessons. Middle-school students and those high-school students taking part in Algebra I & Geometry coursework, have opportunities to take part in a second chance at learning with our Mathematics Reassessment AS Learning program.

Mathematics Reassessment AS Learning

Focus of Instruction

NYS Standards

School-Home Partnership for Middle School - Unit Resources

Student Farmingdale Address Needed

NYS Testing Schedules 2023-2024