Professional Staff


Photography Technician - Department of Art & Art History

Public art, cultural representation, and the just city

Recent controversies around public art demonstrate that cultural representation in urban public space is enormously consequential. Given that urban planners and policymakers are often involved in the design, siting, approval, and maintenance of such works, this article argues for more effective ways to evaluate potential public art projects and adjudicate conflicts that arise regarding existing works.

Journal of Urban Affairs, 2019, p. 1-16 - Link to Article

Chris Barnes

Scholarly Communications Librarian

Librarians as OER Advocates and Leaders

SPARC, an international advocacy organization, launched a pilot Open Education Leadership Program in 2017 to develop a cohort of academic librarians well-versed in core open education topics, while also providing fellows with the opportunity to execute a capstone project that developed their project management, leadership, and OER advocacy skills. This was a poster presentation by several members of the inaugural cohort.

Association of College and Research Libraries 2019 Conference, Cleveland, OH, April 10-13 - Link to poster πŸ”“

Connecting the Crises: Serials, Textbooks, and Tuition

In this presentation I explained how librarians can help campus administrators see connections between the skyrocketing cost of textbooks and journal articles on the one hand, and the soaring cost of attendance at colleges and universities on the other. Faculty-created open educational resources (OER) and active textbook affordability initiatives can be selling points to students and their parents, demonstrating the school's commitment to cutting costs while enhancing the educational experience and removing financial barriers to student success.

Open Education Conference, Glendale, AZ, 30 October - 1 November, 2019

Tough Questions: A Discussion of Libraries and Bookstores Partnering in Support of OER

I organized a panel to discuss how campus bookstores run by companies like Barnes & Noble can work with librarians on OER and textbook affordability. Panelists included Jonathan Shar, Executive Vice President at Barnes & Noble Education, Nicole Finkbeiner, Director of Institutional Relations at OpenStax, and Lauren Slingluff, Associate Dean at the University of Connecticut Library.

Open Education Conference, Glendale, AZ, 30 October - 1 November, 2019

anna boutin-cooper

Research and Visual Arts Librarian

One Summer, Two People, and a Zine Backlog: A How-To for New Catalogers

Research & Visual Arts Librarian Anna Boutin-Cooper and F&M student E Marcovitz presented a chronicle of their summer project cataloging the zine collection backlog at the College Library. They shared the project process, personal perspectives, lessons learned, and best practices for replicating such a project at another institution.

Student Co-Presenter: E Marcovitz

ArLiSNAP & VREPS Virtual Conference, October - Link to Presentation πŸ”“

terry davidson

Training and Communications Manager

Create Stunning Visual Stories using Adobe Spark

Demonstrated how to create visual stories using Adobe Spark. Participants then access Spark to create their own Spark Post or Spark Page - to tell their stories!

Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference 2019 - Link to Presentation πŸ”“

Brianna Gormly

Digital Initiatives Librarian

Teaching with Digital Primary Sources: Literacies, Finding and Evaluating, Citing, Ethics, and Existing Models

The white paper is a project of the Teaching with Digital Primary Sources subgroup of the DLF (Digital Library Federation) Digital Library Pedagogy Group.

DLFTeach Toolkit, 2019 - Link to white paper πŸ”“

Migrating to Islandora: Liberal Arts College Perspectives

Panelists from three liberal arts colleges, Franklin & Marshall, Hamilton, and Whitman, will present their migration paths from Dspace, CONTENTdm, and BePress to Islandora. We will compare project management, staff roles, infrastructure, and metadata transformation, concluding with lessons learned and suggestions for open source migration projects at small institutions.

Digital Library Federation Forum, Tampa, FL, October 2019 - link to presentation πŸ”“

The Pedagogy of Digital Publishing

Workshop held at Learn@DLF, a pre-conference to the DLF (Digital Library Federation) forum

link to presentation πŸ”“

kelly miller

Instructional Technologist

Collaborative, Flexible Faculty Development: The Course Development Institute

Learn how one college uses the collaborative efforts of the Faculty Center & Instructional Technology to push the faculty’s professional and course development in a new direction. The Course Development Institute is a self-paced, online, cohort-based program in which faculty both (re-)design a course using their personal goals and learn to use Canvas more effectively. While the Institute has a focus on building the course in the LMS, the faculty use the process of integrated course design (Fink, 2003) to plan and construct their content while also experiencing the course from the student perspective.

FPS Co-Presenter: Amy Mulnix

The Teaching Professor Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2019 - link to presentation πŸ”“

scottie thompson buckland

Project & Data Specialist

From persecutors to protectors: Human rights and the F&M Global Barometer of Gay Rights (GBGR)

This article systematically analyzes the global persecution and protection of sexual minorities through the application of the F&M Global Barometer of Gay Rights (GBGR). Using GBGR world data from 2011 to 2014, we document the variance in levels of state and societal persecution and protection of sexual minorities in 188 countries.

U.S.A.I.D. Grant Funding

FPS Co-Authors: Susan Dicklitch-Nelson & Berwood Yost

Journal of Human Rights, Vol 18, Issue 1, p. 1-18 - link to article πŸ”“

christopher raab

Associate Librarian, Archives & Special Collections

Enhancing the Self-Service Library with Visual Workplace Principles

Through a variety of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) service points, the modern library is quickly becoming a veritable gas-and-go service station for the brain. While modern sociologists have at times noted the negative attributes of self-service – such as diminished human interaction and increased consumer labor – this article seeks to explore and enhance the self-service experience within libraries, empowering patrons (and staff) through the application of visual workplace solutions.

Journal of Creative Library Practice, July 14, 2019- link to article πŸ”“