Kindergarten Library

Hello!! Welcome to Library!

My office hours are 9:00am - 10:00 am. You can reach me by email or Google Hangouts!

Virtual Day #1

Let's get into the groove with a few stories and one library challenge. Click below to hear

The Elephant's Guide to Hide and Seek by Kjersten Hayes

I Can Only Draw Worms by Will Mabbitt

Challenge -

Look at the picture below and tell someone in your household which word group on the book cover you think is the title of the book.

Virtual Day #2

Please enjoy two new stories this time, one bad accent (ha ha), and one library challenge . Click below to hear

Don't Call Me Bear! by Aaron Blabey

Peanut Butter and Cupcake by Terry Border

Challenge -

Check a few books at your house and see if they have a "full cover". If you find any, show the people in your house what that means!