
Economic & Health Protections

IMPORTANT: As you research, NEW KEYWORDS and DRIVING QUESTIONS will be crucial to your investigation of the original hardship, the new deal impact, and the similar modern crisis. 

 Write down your KEYWORDS AND QUESTIONS, so you can remember and search them in our print and digital resources.

Use these resources for additional research.

Section A: Hardships of the Great Depression 

Crowd of people gather outside the New York Stock Exchange following the Crash of. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>. 

Stock Market Crash (1929) 

Book: The Great Depression in American History, ISBN 0-089490-881-2 

Section B: The New Deal 

Social Security


Government Healthcare

History of Public Health *Federal Activities

Section C: Modern Crisis (Choose One)

Great Recession (2008)

Job seekers line up for a job fair in Miami in 2010. Image is in the public domain, 

COVID Pandemic

Americans Reflect on the Pandemic- Pew Research

Use this resource for these Healthcare topics.

Healthcare Access (ACA, etc.)

Affordable Care Act- Overview