
Use the tutorials below to create and customize your infographic in Canva. 

Getting Started in Canva

How to Add Text

Working with Text.mp4

How to Add Visual Elements

Adding visuals.mp4
Sharing Your Infographic


Check Canva first. Images found in Canva can be used without attribution. 

For additional images, use the links below to find Public Domain or Creative Commons images. 

Public Domain 

Creative works that can be used freely for any purpose.  No need to cite. But good idea to write "public domain" under the image.

CC0 - Creative Commons Zero

Creative Commons

Creative works that can be used for free, but you need to cite them appropriately using TASL.
(see directions for TASL here)

CC BY - Creative Commons Attribution

Be sure to follow the guidelines of a good infographic in the design video below. 

Infographic Design - 6 mins

Infographic Design.mp4

How to Share & Download


Finishing Your Project: Works Cited