Government Response

The new President, Franklin D. Roosevelt instituted sweeping relief, recovery and reforms in his first 100 days in office. 

This was called The New Deal.

The New Deal was not one law or one policy or one reform. It was a series of relief which gave help immediately to jobless workers and those who were in need, recovery which gave help to banks, businesses, farmers and workers to recover, and reforms which made long-term changes to the economy so that a depression would never happen again. 

These were designed to address many of the problems in the Great Depression.

FDR signs the G.I. Bill

Research Questions: 

What were the positive effects of the New Deal?

What were the negative effects of the New Deal?

(Your research should be focused around the hardship you selected for the previous section)

IMPORTANT: As you research the New Deal, NEW KEYWORDS will be crucial to your investigation of the positives or negatives of the various aspects of the New Deal. 

 Write down your KEYWORDS, so you can remember the different reforms. 

Now, keep researching. Use your new keywords! You can also use words like critic, opposition, legacy, impact, positive, negative, challenges, pro/con, etc. in addition for your other specific keywords. 

(eg. "New Deal Opposition" or "WPA legacy" or "CCC pro con")

Talk to your teachers if you are confused. This will be crucial to your research.