Objectives and Standards

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:


  • Know the 5 Themes of Geography
  • Know how to use the digital resources Culturegrams
  • Know the concepts of longitude, latitude, hemispheres, time zones, landforms, bodies of water, climate, continents/country/capital,
  • Know how to read closely to extract information from a source based on a question


  • Plot absolute location on a map
  • Find information in a digital resources
  • Navigate a digital resource
  • Read directions carefully
  • Analyze information/data/maps in order to draw conclusions and make connections


How the 5 Themes of Geography interconnect

How the 5 Themes of Geography help geographers understand people and places

Finding Information and Navigating a Digital Resource

  • 1.1E Evaluate and select information/media based on usefulness and relevance
  • 1.1F Using a variety of print and/or digital graphic organizers, take notes from multiple sources and various formats in order to answer the research questions
  • 1.2B Use digital technology resources (equipment, software and online applications) responsibly and ethically

Critical Thinking and Analysis of Information

  • 2.1A Using information/data from a variety of sources, draw conclusions supported by evidence
  • 3.3A Recognize and interpret images, maps, graphs, charts, videos, online graphics, interactive media and/or other visuals to understand a message

Other Curricula Connections

Fairfield Public Schools Social Studies Curriculum

  • Unit 1 - The Essentials of Geography and Culture
  • Compelling Question - How do geographers think about the world?

Exploring Short Texts with Close Reading - CT Common Core

  • RL.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
  • RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue